Online information on the Mjølner BETA System

Release r4.2 From this WWW page, you can gain access to the online available information on the Mjølner BETA System.

Manuals for some of the other releases of the Mjølner BETA System can be found on the Online Information Home Page.

Documentation Manuals:

Most Mjølner BETA Manuals are available in PDF format. We have included below direct references to all these manuals. Manuals marked with (*) are unchanged from the previous release r4.1.

Library Manuals:

Tools Manuals:

System Manuals:

Tutorials and other Introductory Materials:

There are a number of tutorials and other introductory materials available on the different aspects of the Mjølner BETA System. Please find below direct references to these tutorials.

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are two FAQ's, specific to the Mjølner BETA System:

Manual pages:

There are manual pages for a number of Mjølner BETA tools. These manual pages are available here: These man-pages are also available via the standard UNIX man-system.