Man page for valhalla


     valhalla - Mjolner BETA Source-Level Debugger (version 2.2)


     valhalla [options] [ executable ]

     where executable is the name of the BETA application  to  be
     executed and debugged.


     The Mjolner BETA  Debugger  is  available  as  part  of  the
     Mjolner BETA System from Mjolner Informatics.


     valhalla is the source level debugger for the  Mjolner  BETA
     System. Valhalla includes the following functionality:

     Program control
          by setting breakpoints  and  single  stepping  on  BETA
          source level.

     Static browsing
          of program text by following semantic  links.  Semantic
          links  include  super pattern relationships, SLOT bind-
          ings,  and  links  from  name   applications   to   the
          corresponding declarations.

     Dynamic browsing
          of call chains and object states of  the  stopped  BETA
          program execution.


     -EXEC executable
     -EXECNAME executable
          executable is the name of the BETA  program  executable
          to be executed and debugged.

     -ENV name value
     -ENVIRONMENT name value
          Used to set environment variables for the debugged pro-
          cess. Default is to hand over the environment. However,
          by using the ENVIRONMENT  command-line  parameter,  the
          default values may be overridden.

     -BOPT name value
     -BOOLEANOPTION name value
          Used to set the boolean option named name. Value should
          be TRUE or FALSE. See Section BOOLEAN OPTIONS later for
          details on available boolean options.
     -CL parameter
     -COMMLINE parameter
          Used to give command line parameters to the process be-
          ing  debugged.  One COMMLINE is needed for each command
          lineparameter to be given to the debugged process.
     -PID number
          Used to inform valhalla that it is  supposed  to  debug
          the process with process id number. Used if valhalla is
          started after the debugged process.


     The following boolean options can be set (or unset)  in  the
     above  mentioned  BOOLEANOPTION  option.  All boolean option
     names below are non-case sensible.

          Whether to use truncated imperative names for code  ex-
          pressions shown on the stack. Default: TRUE.

          Whether to read labels from executable at  startup  in-
          stead of on demand. Default: FALSE.

          Print  out  valhalla  debugging  information.  Default:

          Show current code on each process stop, even if no view
          is currently open on that code. Default: TRUE.

          Whether char repetitions should be shown  on  a  single
          line. Default:  FALSE.

          Whether origins should initially be invisible in object
          views. Default: TRUE.

          Whether objects should be given a  serial  number.  De-
          fault: TRUE.

          Whether to use truncated pattern names (max  2  pattern
          names in path) for object descriptions. Default: TRUE.

          Whether a nested window is dragged on open, or is  sim-
          ply given a default size and position. Default: TRUE.


          May contain command line options to valhalla as defined
          above.   Command line options given on the command line
          are given priority over command line options  specified
          in the VALHALLAOPTS environment variable.


     beta(1) - BETA Compiler

     betawc(1) - BETA fragment analyzer

     betatar(1) - BETA tar(1) front-end

     betafs(1) - Mjolner BETA Fragment Structure Lister

     sif(1) - Hyper-Structure Editor

     The Mjolner BETA System - Valhalla:  The  BETA  Source-level
     Debugger  -  User's  Guide,  Mjolner Informatics Report: MIA


     Valhalla is developed by Mjolner Informatics as part of  the
     Mjolner BETA System.
     Questions,   bug-reports,   etc.   may   be   directed    to  if the local support organization cannot
     find solutions to the problems.

     For more information of the Mjolner BETA System, please con-
     tact  Mjolner Informatics, Science Park Aarhus, Gustav Wieds
     Vej 10, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark, phone: +45 86 20  20  00,
     fax: +45 86 20 12 22, e-mail: