Basic Libraries - Reference Manual

Mjølner Informatics Report
MIA 90-08
March 2004

List of Programs
1 The Basic Libraries
1.1 The betaenv Library
1.1.1 Mjølner System Version
1.1.2 Backward compatability
1.2 Using the betaenv Library
1.3 Basic Patterns
1.3.1 Simple types
1.3.2 The Integer Pattern
1.3.3 Arithmetical operators
1.3.4 The Boolean Pattern Logical operators
1.3.5 The Real Pattern Arithmetical operations
1.3.6 The Char Pattern ASCII
1.3.7 The Repetition Pattern
1.4 Basic Object Patterns
1.4.1 The Object Pattern
1.4.2 Objects of simple types
1.4.3 The charValue, integerValue, booleanValue and realValue Patterns
1.4.4 The charObject, integerObject, booleanObject, trueObject, falseObject and realObject Patterns
1.5 The Streams Patterns
1.5.1 The Stream Pattern
1.5.2 Substreams
1.5.3 The Text Pattern
1.5.4 Text utilities
1.5.5 Using Text
1.5.6 UniCode Text
1.6 Exceptions and Program Termination
1.6.1 Static Exceptions Examples Using Static Exceptions
1.6.2 Dynamic Exceptions Examples Using Dynamic Exceptios
1.7 Various Other Patterns
1.7.1 Control Patterns
1.7.2 Input/Output Patterns Screen and keyboard Single character input -
1.7.3 Command Line Arguments
1.7.4 Object Pool
1.7.5 Concurrency - SystemEnv
1.7.6 External Language Interface
1.8 Time and Date Library
2 The math Library
2.1 Using the math Fragment
3 The numberio Library
3.1 Based integers and reals
3.2 Using the numberio Fragment
3.2.1 Reading numbers from standard input
4 The formatio Library
4.1 Formatted input/output
4.2 Format string
4.3 Marker type
4.4 Using the formatio Fragment
4.4.1 Illustrating putFormat
4.4.2 Illustrating getFormat
5 The random Library
5.1 simple random generators: ignlgi and ranf
5.2 Using the random Fragment
5.2.1 Illustrating Integer Random Generator
6 The regexp Library
6.1 Regular expression
6.2 regexp_match
6.3 regexp_search
6.4 regexp_replace
6.5 regexp_replace_literally
6.6 Syntax of Regular Expressions
6.7 List of special characters
6.8 Table of '\' constructs
6.9 A complicated regexp
6.10 Regular Expression Registers
6.11 Known bugs or Inconveniences
6.12 Using the regexp Fragment
6.13 Regexp Demos
6.13.1 Search for regexp
6.13.2 Replace with a regexp
7 The file Library
7.1 File and diskEntry
7.2 Disk entry attributes
7.3 File attributes
7.4 The FileRep Library
7.5 The BinFile Library
7.5.1 Using the file Fragment
7.5.2 Using diskEntry
7.6 Using File
8 The directory Library
8.1 Directory attributes
8.2 Using the directory Fragment
8.2.1 Listing a directory
9 The systemEnv Libraries
9.1 basicsystemenv
9.2 systemenv
9.3 timehandler
9.4 The basicSystemEnv Library
9.4.1 Basic concepts
9.4.2 Changes from original design
9.4.3 New facilities
9.4.4 The Concurrency is Simulated
9.4.5 Concurrency and User Interface Environments
9.5 Using the SystemEnv Fragment
9.5.1 The Monitor Example
9.5.2 The Monitor with Wait Example
9.5.3 The Ports Example
9.5.4 The ObjectPort Example
10 The external Library
10.1 Interfacing to C and Pascal
10.2 Using the external Fragment
10.2.1 Interfacing to External C Functions
10.2.2 Using call back from C
10.2.3 Interfacing to External Pascal Procedures
10.2.4 Example Interfacing to Pascal
10.2.5 Using call backs from Pascal
10.2.6 Interfacing to External Data Structures
10.2.7 cStruct
10.2.8 ExternalRecord
10.2.9 Example Using cStruct
10.2.10 Example Using externalRecord
11 The Perl Compatible Regular Expression Library
11.1 Regular Expressions
11.2 pcre
11.3 init
11.4 options
11.5 match
11.6 match.options
11.7 match.pre
11.8 match.matchPos
11.9 match.matchText
11.10 match.preMatchText and match.postMatchText
11.11 match.subMatchPos
11.12 match.subMatchText
11.13 match.sub1, match.sub2, match.sub3...
11.14 match.noMatch
11.15 match.position
11.16 replace
11.17 replace.rep
11.18 matchAll
11.19 replaceAll
11.20 subPatterns
11.21 compilationError
12 PCRE specification
12.1 Name
12.2 Description
12.3 Compiling a Pattern
12.4 Studying a Pattern
12.5 Locale Support
12.6 Information About a Pattern
12.7 Matching a Pattern
12.8 Extracting Captured Substrings
12.9 Limitations
12.10 Differences from perl
12.11 Regular Expression Details
12.12 Backslash
12.13 Circumflex and Dollar
12.14 Full Stop (Period, Dot)
12.15 Square Brackets
12.16 Posix Character Classes
12.17 Vertical Bar
12.18 Internal Option Setting
12.19 Subpatterns
12.20 Repetition
12.21 Back References
12.22 Assertions
12.23 Once-Only Subpatterns
12.24 Conditional Subpatterns
12.26 Recursive Patterns
12.27 Performance
12.28 Author
13 Interface Descriptions
13.1 Basicsystemenv Interface
13.2 Betaenv Interface
13.3 Binfile Interface
13.4 Directory Interface
13.5 External Interface
13.6 File Interface
13.7 Filerep Interface
13.8 Formatio Interface
13.9 Iget Interface
13.10 Math Interface
13.11 Mbs_version Interface
13.12 Numberio Interface
13.13 Random Interface
13.14 Regexp Interface
13.15 Pcre Interface
13.16 Substreams Interface
13.17 Systemenv Interface
13.18 TextUtils Interface
13.19 Texthash Interface
13.20 Timedate Interface
13.21 Timehandler Interface
13.22 Wtext Interface
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Basic Libraries - Reference Manual
© 1990-2004 Mjølner Informatics
[Generated: Tuesday June 29th 2004 at 13:16]