LIB_DEF 'betaenv' '../lib'; BODY 'private/betaenvbody'; (* * COPYRIGHT * Copyright (C) Mjolner Informatics, 1984-2003 * All rights reserved. * * This fragment implements the very basic patterns, utilized by most * BETA programs *) -- betaenv: descriptor -- (# <<SLOT lib: attributes>>; (******************************************************************) (* The simple patterns for simple values and variables. These * simple patterns are treated special by the compiler. *) integer: (* 32 bit signed long *) (# #); shortInt: (* 16 bit unsigned half *) (# #); (* do not use shortInt anymore, * use int16u instead. *) char: (* 8 bit unsigned byte *) (# #); boolean: (* 8 bit unsigned byte, values 0 or 1 *) (# #); false: boolean (* 8 bit unsigned byte with value 0 *) (# #); true: boolean (* 8 bit unsigned byte with value 1 *) (# #); real: (* double precision floating point number *) (# #); real32: (* single precision real for bytecode only *) (# #); int8: (* 8 bit signed integer *) (# #); int8u: (* 8 bit unsigned integer *) (# #); int16: (* 16 bit signed integer *) (# #); int16u: (* 16 bit unsigned integer. * int16u will eventually replace shortInt *) (# #); int32: (* 32 bit signed integer * int32 is semantically identical to integer *) (# #); int32u: (* 32 bit unsigned integer *) (# #); (* int64 and int64u are NOT yet implemented; * the compiler allows variables of these types, * but no operations, including assignment, * are implemented, so don't use them. *) int64: (* 64 bit signed integer *) (# #); int64u: (* 64 bit unsigned integer *) (# #); (* The pattern wchar is for experimenting with implementing * support for the UniCode character set. The name wchar * is preliminary. wchar is semantically identical to int16u. * Patterns wcharValue and wcharObject have also been introduced below *) wchar: (# #); (* 16 bit unsigend integer *) (* The pattern COM is a general super pattern for * objects that may used with Microsoft COM *) COM: (# #); (* Holder is general superpattern for holder-patterns used for * parameters in COM. *) Holder: (# adr: @integer #); object: (* General superpattern *) (# _struc: (* Exit a pattern reference for THIS(Object). * Is now obsolete: the new form obj## is preferred * to the old form obj.struc *) (# exit this(object)## #); _new: (* returns a new object, that is qualified exactly * as THIS(object) *) (# newObj: ^object; oType: ##object do this(object)##->oType##; &oType[]->newObj[]; INNER _new exit newObj[] #); _state: (* Pattern _state is for experimental purpose only * and using it may give undefined results *) (# S: ##object enter S## ... #) do INNER object #); (* idx *) (* The following patterns define 'real' patterns corresponding to * the predefined simple patterns *) integerValue: (# value: @integer do INNER integerValue exit value #); integerObject: integerValue(# enter value do INNER integerObject #); charValue: (# value: @char do INNER charValue exit value #); charObject: charValue(# enter value do INNER charObject #); wcharValue: (# value: @wchar do INNER wcharValue exit value #); wcharObject: wcharValue(# enter value do INNER wcharObject #); booleanValue: (# value: @boolean do INNER booleanValue exit value #); trueValue: booleanValue(# do true->value; INNER trueValue #); falseValue: booleanValue(# do false->value; INNER falseValue #); booleanObject: booleanValue(# enter value do INNER booleanObject #); trueObject: booleanObject(# do true->value; INNER trueObject #); falseObject: booleanObject(# do false->value; INNER falseObject #); realValue: (# value: @real do INNER realValue exit value #); realObject: realValue(# enter value do INNER realObject #); textValue: (# value: ^text do INNER textValue exit value[] #); textObject: textValue(# enter value[] do INNER textObject #); (**** Integer limits *********************************************) MaxInt8: (# exit 0x7f #); MinInt8: (# exit 0x80 #); MaxInt8u: (# exit 0xff #); MinInt8u: (# exit 0x00 #); MaxInt16: (# exit 0x7fff #); MinInt16: (# exit 0x8000 #); MaxInt16u: (# exit 0xffff #); MinInt16u: (# exit 0x0000 #); MaxInt32: (# exit 0x7fffffff #); MinInt32: (# exit 0x80000000 #); MaxInt32u: (# exit 0xffffffff #); MinInt32u: (# exit 0x00000000 #); MaxInt: (# exit MaxInt32 #); MinInt: (# exit MinInt32 #); MaxReal: (# exit 1.797693134862315E+308 #); MinReal: (# exit 2.225073858507201E-308 #); (**** Implementation dependent constants *************************) infReal: (* Returns the real value 'Infinity' *) realValue(# ... #); (***** Functional patterns ***************************************) min: (* Returns the minimum of 2 integers *) (# a,b: @integer enter (a,b) do (if (a < b) then a->b if) exit b #); max: (* Returns the maximum of 2 integers *) (# a,b: @integer enter (a,b) do (if (a < b) then b->a if) exit a #); abs: (* Returns the absolute value of an integer *) (# n: @integer enter n do (if (n < 0) then -n->n if) exit n #); (***** Simple standard input/output patterns *********************) keyboard, screen: ^stream; get: (# ch: @char; getC: ^stream.get do (if getC[]=NONE then &keyboard.get[]->getC[] if); getC->ch; INNER; exit ch #); put: (# ch: @char; putC: ^stream.put enter ch do (if putC[] = NONE then &screen.put[] -> putC[] if); INNER; ch->putC #); newline: (# newL: ^stream.newline do (if newL[] = NONE then &screen.newline[] -> newL[] if); INNER; newL #); putint: (# i: @integer; putI: ^stream.putInt enter i do (if puti[] = NONE then &screen.putint[] -> putI[] if); INNER; i->putI; #); puttext: (# t: ^text; putT: ^stream.puttext; enter t[] do (if putT[] = NONE then &screen.puttext[] -> putT[] if); INNER; t[]->putT; #); putline: (# t: ^text; putL: ^stream.putline; enter t[] do (if putL[] = NONE then &screen.putline[] -> putL[] if); INNER; t[]->putL; #); getint: (# i: @integer; getI: ^stream.getInt; do (if getI[] = NONE then &keyboard.getint[] -> getI[] if); INNER; getI -> i; exit i #); getNonBlank: (# ch: @char; getNB: ^stream.getNonBlank; do (if getNB[] = NONE then &keyboard.getNonBlank[] -> getNB[] if); INNER; getNB -> ch; exit ch #); scanAtom: (# scanA: ^stream.scanAtom; do (if scanA[] = NONE then &keyboard.scanAtom(# do INNER scanAtom #)[] -> scanA[] if); scanA; #); getAtom: (# t: ^text; getA: ^stream.getAtom; do (if getA[] = NONE then &keyboard.getAtom[] -> getA[] if); INNER; getA -> t[]; exit t[] #); getline: (# t: ^text; getL: ^stream.getLine; do (if getL[] = NONE then &keyboard.getline[] -> getL[] if); INNER; getL -> t[]; exit t[] #); (***** Control patterns ******************************************) forTo: (* for 'inx' in [low:high] do INNER forTo *) (# low, high, inx: @integer; enter (low, high) ... #); cycle: (* Executes INNER forever *) (# ... #); loop: (# while:< booleanValue(# do true->value; INNER while #); until:< booleanValue; whilecondition: @while; untilcondition: @until; ... #); qua: (* Pattern replacing the BETA language construct QUA. To be * used as 't1[]->qua(# as::< Tn #)->t2[]'. The 'qua' pattern * checks, whether 't1' is qualified by 'Tn'. If not, the * 'quaError' exception is invoked. Otherwise, a reference * qualified by 'Tn', and referring to the same object as 't1[]' * is referring, is returned. *) (# as:< object; R: ^object; thisObj: ^as; quaError:< exception (# do 'Qualification error'->msg.append; INNER quaError #) enter R[] ... exit thisObj[] #); (***** Stream patterns *******************************************) stream: (# <<SLOT streamLib: attributes>>; length:< integerValue (* returns the length of THIS(stream) *) (# do -1->value; INNER length #); position: (* current position of THIS(stream) *) (# enter setPos exit getPos #); eos:< (* returns 'true' if THIS(stream) is at end-of-stream *) booleanValue; reset: (* sets 'position' to zero *) (# do 0->setPos exit THIS(stream)[] #); peek:< (* looks at the next character of THIS(stream) *) (# ch: @char do INNER peek exit ch #); get:< (* reads a character from THIS(stream) *) (# ch: @char do INNER get exit ch #); getNonBlank: (* Reads first non-whitespace character from THIS(stream). * If called at end-of-stream the character 'ascii.fs' is * returned *) (# ch: @char; skipblanks: @scanWhiteSpace; testEOS: @EOS; getCh: @get; ... exit ch #); getint: integerValue (* Reads an integer: skips whitespace characters and * returns the following digits. * * See for more numerical output operations *) (# syntaxError:< streamException (# ... #); geti: @... do geti; INNER getint #); getAtom:< (* Returns the next atom (i.e. sequence of non-white * characters - skipping leading blanks) *) (# txt: ^text; do &text[]->txt[]; INNER getAtom; exit txt[] #); getline:< (* Reads a sequence of characters until nl-character * appears and returns the characters read. *) (# txt: ^text; missing_newline:< Object (* Called if last line of THIS(Stream) is * not terminated by a newline character. *); do &text[]->txt[]; INNER getline exit txt[] #); asInt: (* converts THIS(text) to an integer value, ignoring * leading and trailing whitespace. See for * more numerical conversion operations. *) (# i: @integer; syntaxError:< streamException (# ... #); ... exit i #); put:< (* writes a character to THIS(stream) *) (# ch: @char enter ch do INNER put exit THIS(stream)[] #); newline: (* writes the nl-character *) (# do ascii.newline->put exit THIS(stream)[] #); putint: (* Writes an integer to THIS(stream); The format may be * controlled by the 'signed', 'blankSign', 'width', * 'adjustLeft' and 'zeroPadding' variable attributes. * 'width' is extended if it is too small. Examples: * '10->putint' yields: '10'; '10*pi->putint(# do 10->width; * true->adjustLeft #)' yields: '10 '; and '10->putint(# do * 10->width; true->zeroPadding #)' yields: '0000000010'. * * See for more numerical output operations *) (# n: @integer; signed: @boolean (* If integer is positive, a '+' will always be * displayed *); blankSign: @boolean (* If integer is positive, a ' ' space is displayed as * the sign. Ignored if 'signed=true' *); width: @integer (* Minimum width *); adjustLeft: @boolean (* Specifies if the number is to be aligned left or * right, if padding of spaces is necessary to fill up * the specified width. *); zeroPadding: @boolean (* width is padded with leading zero instead of * spaces. Ignored if 'adjustLeft=true' *); format:< (# do INNER format #); puti: @... enter n do 1->width; format; INNER putint; puti exit THIS(stream)[] #); puttext:< (* Writes a text to THIS(stream). *) (# txt: ^text enter txt[] do (if txt[]<>NONE then INNER puttext if) exit THIS(stream)[] #); putline: (* 'puttext' followed by 'newline' *) (# T: ^text; putT: @puttext; newL: @newline enter T[] do INNER putline; T[]->putT; newL exit THIS(stream)[] #); scan: (* Scan chars from current position in THIS(stream) while * '(ch->while)=true'; perform INNER for each char being * scanned *) (# while:< (# ch: @char; value: @boolean enter ch do true->value; INNER while exit value #); ch: @char; whilecondition: @while; testEOS: @EOS; getPeek: @peek; getCh: @get; ... exit THIS(stream)[] #); scanWhiteSpace: scan (* Scan whitespace characters *) (# while::< (# do ch->ascii.isWhiteSpace->value #) do INNER scanWhiteSpace exit THIS(stream)[] #); scanAtom: (* Scan until first non-whitespace char. Scan the next * sequence of non-whitespace chars. Stop at first * whitespace char. For each non-whitespace char an INNER * is performed. Usage: 'scanAtom(# do ch-><destination> #)' *) (# ch: @char; ... exit THIS(stream)[] #); scanToNl: (* Scan all chars in current line including newline char *) (# ch: @char; getCh: @get; missing_newline:< Object (* Called if last line of THIS(Stream) is * not terminated by a newline character. *); ... exit THIS(stream)[] #); streamException: exception (# do INNER streamException #); EOSerror:< streamException (* Raised from 'get' and 'peek' when attempted to read past * the end of the stream. *) (# do 'Attempt to read past end-of-stream'->msg.putline; INNER EOSerror #); otherError:< streamException (* Raised when some other kind of stream error apart from * the one mentioned above occurs. *); getPos:< (* returns current position of THIS(Stream) *) integerValue; setPos:< (* sets current position in THIS(stream) to 'p' *) (# p: @integer enter p do INNER setPos exit THIS(stream)[] #) #); (* pattern stream *) (***** Text pattern **********************************************) text: stream (* A text is a sequence of characters. Let 'T: @text'. The * range of 'T' is '[1,T.length]'. A text can be initialized by * executing 'T.clear' or by assigning it another (initialized) * text. A text-constant has the form 'foo'. The 'text' pattern * is primarily intended for small texts but there is no upper * limit in the size. However, most of the operations becomes * less efficient with larger texts. *) (# <<SLOT textLib: attributes>>; length::< (* Returns the length of THIS(text) *) (# do lgth->value; INNER length #); eos::< (# ... #); empty: (# exit (lgth = 0) #); clear: (* Sets the length and position of THIS(text) to zero *) (# do 0->pos->lgth exit THIS(text)[] #); equal: booleanValue (* Tests if THIS(text) is equal to the entered text. If * 'NCS' is further bound to 'trueObject', the comparison * will be done Non Case Sensitive. *) (# txt: ^text; NCS:< booleanObject enter txt[] ... #); equalNCS: equal (* As 'equal', except the the comparison will be done Non * Case Sensitive *) (# NCS:: trueObject #); less: booleanValue (* Tests whether the entered text 'T1[1: length]' is less * than 'THIS(text)[1: T1.length]'. The lexicographical * ordering is used. *) (# T1: ^text enter T1[] ... #); greater: booleanValue (* Tests whether the entered text 'T1[1: length]' is * greater than 'THIS(text)[1: T1.length]'. The * lexicographical ordering is used. *) (# T1: ^text enter T1[] ... #); peek::< (* Returns the character at current position; does not * update 'position' *) (# ... #); get::< (* Returns the character at current position; increments * 'position' *) (# ... #); inxGet: charValue (* Returns the character at position 'i' *) (# i: @integer; iget: @... enter i do iget #); getAtom::< (* Returns the next atom (i.e. sequence of non-white * characters - skipping leading blanks) *) (# ... #); getline::< (* Reads a sequence of characters until nl-character * appears and returns the characters read. *) (# ... #); put::< (* writes the character 'ch' at current position in * THIS(text); increments 'position' *) (# ... #); inxPut: (* Replaces the character at position 'i' *) (# ch: @char; i: @integer; iput: @... enter (ch,i) do iput exit THIS(text)[] #); puttext::< (# ... #); append: (* Appends a text to THIS(text); does not change 'position' *) (# T1: ^text enter T1[] ... exit THIS(text)[] #); prepend: (* Inserts the text in 'T1' in front of THIS(text); updates * current position to 'position+T1.length' if 'position>0' *) (# T1: ^text enter T1[] ... exit THIS(text)[] #); insert: (* Inserts a text before the character at position 'inx'. * Note: inx<1 means inx=1; inx>length means inx=length+1. * If 'position>=inx' then 'position+T1.length->position'. *) (# T1: ^text; inx: @integer enter (T1[],inx) ... exit THIS(text)[] #); delete: (* Deletes THIS(text)[i: j]; updates current position: * i<=position<j => i-1->position * j<=position => position-(j-i+1)->position *) (# i,j: @integer; deleteT: @... enter (i,j) do deleteT exit THIS(text)[] #); makeLC: (* Converts all characters to lower case *) (# ... exit THIS(text)[] #); makeUC: (* Converts all characters to upper case *) (# ... exit THIS(text)[] #); sub: (* Returns a copy of THIS(text)[i:j]. If 'i<1', 'i' is * adjusted to 1. If 'j>length', 'j' is adjusted to * 'length'. If (after adjustment) 'i>j', an empty text is * returned. *) (# i,j: @integer; T1: ^text; subI: @... enter (i,j) do subI exit T1[] #); copy: (# T1: ^text; copyI: @... do copyI exit T1[] #); scanAll: (* Scans all the elements in THIS(text). For 'ch' in '[1: * THIS(text).length]' do INNER *) (# ch: @char do (for i: lgth repeat T[i]->ch; INNER scanAll for) exit THIS(text)[] #); find: (* find all occurrences of the character 'ch' in * THIS(text), executing INNER for each occurrence found, * beginning at 'THIS(text).position'. 'inx' will contain * the position of each 'ch' in THIS(text). If 'NCS' is * further bound to 'trueObject', the comparison will be * done Non Case Sensitive. If 'from' is further bound, the * search will begin at position 'from'. *) (# ch: @char; inx: @integer; NCS:< booleanObject; from:< integerObject(# do pos->value; INNER from #) enter ch ... exit THIS(text)[] #); findAll: find (* As 'find', except that the entire text will be searched. * Replaces 'findCh' in previous versions of betaenv (v1.4 * and earlier) *) (# from:: (# do 0->value #) do INNER findAll #); findText: (* find all occurrences of the 'txt' in THIS(text), * executing INNER for each occurrence found, beginning at * 'THIS(text).position'. 'inx' will contain the position * of the first character of each occurrence found * THIS(text). If 'NCS' is further bound to 'trueObject', * the comparison will be done Non Case Sensitive. If * 'from' is further bound, the search will begin at * position 'from'. *) (# txt: ^text; inx: @integer; NCS:< booleanObject; from:< integerObject(# do pos->value; INNER from #) enter txt[] ... exit THIS(text)[] #); findTextAll: findText (* As 'findText', except that the entire text will be * searched *) (# from:: (# do 0->value #) do INNER findTextAll #); extend: (* Extend THIS(text) with 'L' (undefined) chars. Notice * that it is only the representation of the THIS(text), * that is extended, the 'length' and 'position' are not * changed. *) (# L: @integer enter L do L->T.extend exit THIS(text)[] #); indexError:< streamException (* Raised from 'Check' when the index goes outside the * range of the text. Message: "Index error in text!". *) (# inx: @integer enter inx ... #); EOSerror::< (* Raised from 'get' and 'peek' when the end of the stream is * passed. *) (# ... #); otherError::< (* Raised when an error other than the Index-/EOSerror * occurs. *) (# ... #); setPos::< (# ... #); getPos::< (# do pos->value; INNER getPos #); (* Private attributes: !!OBS!! The 3 attributes 'T', 'lgth' * and 'pos' declared below MUST be the first data items * declared in 'stream' and 'text' since their addresses are * hardcoded into the compiler. *) T: [16] @char; lgth,pos: (* 16 is default size *) @integer; setT: (# enter T do T.range->lgth->pos #) enter setT exit T[1: lgth] #) (* Pattern text *); (***** ASCII character constants and attributes ******************) ascii: @ (# <<SLOT asciiLib: attributes>>; nul: (# exit 0 #); soh: (# exit 1 #); stx: (# exit 2 #); etx: (# exit 3 #); eot: (# exit 4 #); enq: (# exit 5 #); ack: (# exit 6 #); bel: (# exit 7 #); bs: (# exit 8 #); ht: (# exit 9 #); nl: (# exit 10 #); vt: (# exit 11 #); np: (# exit 12 #); cr: (# exit 13 #); so: (# exit 14 #); si: (# exit 15 #); dle: (# exit 16 #); dc1: (# exit 17 #); dc2: (# exit 18 #); dc3: (# exit 19 #); dc4: (# exit 20 #); nak: (# exit 21 #); syn: (# exit 22 #); etb: (# exit 23 #); can: (# exit 24 #); em: (# exit 25 #); sub: (# exit 26 #); esc: (# exit 27 #); fs: (# exit 28 #); gs: (# exit 29 #); rs: (# exit 30 #); us: (# exit 31 #); sp: (# exit 32 #); capA: (# exit 65 #); smalla: (# exit 97 #); del: (# exit 127 #); newline: @char; (* either 'lf' or 'cr' *) init: ...; upCase: @charObject (# ... #); lowCase: @charObject (# ... #); testChar: booleanValue (# ch: @char enter ch do INNER testchar #); isUpper: @testChar (# ... #); isLower: @testChar (# ... #); isDigit: @testChar (# ... #); isLetter: @testChar (# ... #); isSpace: @testChar (* True if 'ch' in {sp,cr,nl,np,ht,vt} *) (# ... #); isWhiteSpace: @testChar (* True if 'ch' is a whitespace char *) (# ... #); private: @... #); (***** Exception Patterns ****************************************) stop: (* Terminates program execution: * termCode=normal : normal termination; * termCode=failure : abnormal termination; * termCode=failureTrace : abnormal termination with trace of * run-time stack on dump-file; * termCode=dumpStack : Trace of run-time stack on console * without termination. * * 'T' will be printed on the screen. *) (# termCode: @integer; T: ^text enter (termCode,T[]) ... #); normal: (# exit 0 #); failure: (# exit -1 #); failureTrace: (# exit -2 #); dumpStack: (# exit -3 #); (***** Object Pool ***********************************************) objectPool: @ (# <<SLOT objectPoolLib: attributes>>; get: (# type:< object; obj: ^type; exact:< booleanValue; init:< object(* Called if an object was created *) ... exit obj[] #); strucGet: (# type: ##object; obj: ^object; exact:< booleanValue; init:< object(* Called if an object was created *); enter type## ... exit obj[] #); scan: (* Scan through all objects in 'objectPool', (at least) * qualified by 'type'. *) (# type:< object; current: ^type; exact:< booleanValue; ... #); strucScan: (* Scan through all objects in 'objectPool', (at least) * qualified by 'type' *) (# type: ##object; current: ^object; exact:< booleanValue enter type## ... #); put: (* Puts a given object into 'objectPool'. If an object with * (at least) the qualification of the given object is * already present in 'objectPool', the exception * 'alreadyThere' is raised. *) (# obj: ^object; exact:< booleanValue; alreadyThere:< exception; putObj: @... enter obj[] do putObj #); private: @...; #); (***** Command line arguments ************************************) argumentHandlerType: (# noOfArguments:< (* Return the number of arguments on command line. * The number includes the program name. *) integervalue; getArgByNumber:< (* Returns argument number argNo. * Number 1 is the program name, * number 2 is the first program argument, etc. *) (# argNo: @integer; theArg: ^text; enter argNo do INNER exit theArg[] #); #); rawArgumentHandler: argumentHandlerType (# noOfArguments:: (# ... #); getArgByNumber:: (# ... #); #); expandWildcardsArgumentHandler: argumentHandlerType (# private: @...; noOfArguments:: (# ... #); getArgByNumber:: (# ... #); #); argumentHandler: ^argumentHandlerType; (* Backwards compatible interface *) noOfArguments: integervalue(# do argumentHandler.noOfArguments -> value #); arguments: (# argNo: @integer; theArg: ^text; enter argNo do argNo -> argumentHandler.getArgByNumber -> theArg[] exit theArg[] #); (* Explicit array - currently only supported by bytecode implementations *) ArgVector: [0]^text; (******************************************************************) (* External language interface: See file '' for further * patterns. *) External: (* Is only meaningful with interface to externals *) (# callC,callPascal,pascal,pascalTrap,callStd, cExternalEntry,pascalExternalEntry,stdExternalEntry: @text #); cStruct: (* Super-pattern for describing structures which can be given * 'by refererence' (using the usual [] notation) to an external * function (e.g. a C function described as a specialization * of the above External pattern). See file for * supported operations on cStruct. *) (# <<SLOT cStructLib: attributes>>; (* 'R' is the bytestream containing THIS(cStruct). * MUST be declared as the first attribute *); R: [(byteSize-1) div 4 + 1] @integer; byteSize:< (* Number of bytes in THIS(cStruct) *) IntegerObject; BoundsExceeded:< Exception (* Raised if indexing outside range of R *) (# inx: @integer; enter inx ... #); chk: @(# inx: @integer enter inx ... #); #); data: (* The 'data' pattern may be used for definining simple data * objects. Data-objects have no 'type' information. They can * thus NOT be allocated dynamically in the BETA heap. They do * not have the overhead of extra attributes used for virtual * dispatch and garbage collection. One main use of data-objects * is as interface to external data such as 'cstruct'. For * details see the manuals *) (# #); (* Basic types used for bytecode platforms *) ExternalClass: (# classname: @text; do INNER; #); class: (# (*classname: @text;*) #); proc: (# procname: @text; #); static_proc: (# procname: @text #); cons: (# procname: @text #); static_cons: (# procname: @text #); Structure: (# (* representing a descriptor sctrurure/ptn variable *)#); doGC: (* will force a garbage collection to happen *) (# ... #); machine_type: (* Exits a reference to a copy of a text indicating the machine * type in lowercase, e.g. 'sun4s', 'linux', 'nti'. *) (# T: @Text; ... exit T.copy #); program: (* descriptor executed by this environment *) ...; theProgram: ^|program; theScheduler: ^|object (* Scheduler installed by 'basicSystemEnv' (if used in program) *); (******************************************************************) (* The following patterns are only used by the compiler and should * NOT be used for other purposes. *) repetition: (# range: (* Returns the range of THIS(repetition) *) (# n: @integer exit n #); new: (* Allocates a new repetition of 'n' elements. The previous * elements in THIS(repetition) become inaccessible * hereafter *) (# n: @integer enter n #); extend: (* Extends THIS(repetition) by 'n' elements. The existing * elements are retained. The new elements are allocated * after the existing elements (i.e. with index from the * 'range+1') *) (# n: @integer enter n #) #); state: (# #); (* Pattern STATE is for experimental purpose only * and using it may give undefined results *) errorName: (# #); exception: (# <<SLOT exceptionLib: attributes>>; msg: (* append text to this 'msg' variable to specify * the exception error message for * this(exception) *) @text; continue: @boolean (* the value of this variable determines the * control-flow behaviour of this(exception): * true: continue execution after exception * false: terminate execution by calling * 'stop'; default *); error: (* used to define local exception conditions * which can be handled separately. All error's * that are not handled separately will be * handled by this(exception) *) (# <<SLOT errorExceptionLib: attributes>> do false->continue; INNER; '**** Error processing\n'->msg.prepend; (if not continue then this(exception) if) #); _notify: error (* used to define local notification conditions * which can be handled separately. All * 'notify's that are not handled separately * will be handled by this(exception) *) (# <<SLOT notifyExceptionLib: attributes>> do true->continue; INNER #); propagate:< (* if further bound to trueObject, this(exception) allows * propagation (i.e. this(exception will _not_ terminate) *) (* This is to make exception backward compatible *) booleanValue; termCode: @integer; (* Arg. To pattern 'stop'; initial failureTrace *) ... #); (* Notification is used to make the new exceptions backward compatible *) notification: exception (# do true->continue; INNER notification #); unknown: exception (# <<SLOT unknownExceptionLib: attributes>>; original: ^object; do INNER #); try: (# <<SLOT tryExceptionLib: attributes>>; handler:< (* invoked automatically bu the try block in the search for a * when clause *) (# <<SLOT tryHandlerExceptionLib: attributes>>; when: (# <<SLOT tryHandlerWhenExceptionLib: attributes>>; current: ^type; type:< object; predicate:< booleanValue; continue: (# ... #); retry: (# ... #); propagate: (# ... #); abort: (# ... #); do ... #); current: ^object; status: @(*private*)integer; private: @... enter current[] do ... exit status #); finally:< (# do INNER; #); name:< (# n: ^text do INNER exit n[] #); private: @... ... #); throw: (# <<SLOT throwExceptionLib: attributes>>; current: ^object; private: @... enter current[] ... #); init: ...; betaenvPrivate: @...; (******************************************************************) do (# ... #) #)
13.2 Betaenv Interface | © 1990-2004 Mjølner Informatics |
[Modified: Monday September 1st 2003 at 15:49]