3 The numberio Library

3.1 Based integers and reals

Numberio is a library for reading and writing numerals (integers, based integers, radix integers, and reals). The format of these numerals corresponds directly to the format of these numerals as defined by the BETA language (except for radix integers that are not supported by the BETA language). Numberio also contains a general getNumber operation, that is able to read any numeral, and return the proper value read.

Grammar for getNumber operation

The following grammar defines the exact syntax of the numerals:

N ::= D+                      int             314
   |  D+ '.' D+               real            3.14
   |  D+ '.' D+ 'E' E         real            3.14E8
                              real            3.14E+8
                              real            3.14E-8
   |  D+  'E' E               real            3E8
                              real            3E+8
                              real            3E-8
   |  D+ 'X' (D|L)+           based           2X0101
                              based           8x0845
                              based           16xAF12
   |  (D|L)+                  radix           AF12
D ::= '0' | ... | '9' 
L ::= 'A' | ... | 'Z'
E ::= D+
   |  '+' D+
   |  '-' D+

Integer examples:

10   0   123

A based integer has the form <base>X<number>. Examples are:

2X101   base=2,   number= 4*1 + 2*0 + 1*1 = 5
8X12    base=8,    number= 8*1 + 1*2 = 10
16x2A1  base=16, number= 256*2 + 16*10 + 1*1 = 673
0x2A1   base=16, i.e. base=0 is interpreted as base=16

Examples of reals are:

3.14   3.14E-8   3E+8

All letters may be in lower or upper case.

The various read and write operations contain several facilities for controlling the read and write. Please consult the interface description later for details.

Basic Libraries - Reference Manual
© 1990-2004 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Friday April 6th 2001 at 12:43]