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Object-Oriented Language Interoperability

This page will eventually describe the Object-Oriented Language Interoperability with .NET and Java, which is currently being implemented for the BETA programming language.

Latest News

A new release contains a slightly improved IL code generator: The .maxstack directive now contains the actual stack need for each method, unlike previous releases, where a fixed stack size of 1000 slots was used for all methods.
Added presentation given at Microsoft Research SSCLI RFP II Capstone Workshop 2005 september 19-22 2005 in Redmond.
A bug-fix release is available: Compared to the sept. 05 release, we have fixed a problem with the managed nbeta being unable to run on the .NET CLR due to file permission problems (ran OK under ROTOR clix, though), a minor problem with managed-nbeta.bat ROTOR wrapper not being able to find the corresponding managed-nbeta.exe, a potential problem with programs using command line arguments that might crash, and finally an improved README.txt file.
We have made a new release! Since the previously published release we have fixed a number of errors in the generated code and implemented a number of the basic library functionalities - specifically the features needed to give birth to a bootstrapped compiler.
The release now includes the managed nbeta which runs on both .NET and ROTOR/SSCLI (although slow). See the included README.{txt/html} file(s) for details on how to try the managed compiler.
We have made a new release!
This new release mainly deals with ROTOR: The compiler now detects if it is running under ROTOR and will generate a script that invokes the clix launcher for the generated .NET executable. Furthermore some errors that prevented some programs from working under ROTOR have been fixed. Finally the documentation has been slightly improved, and some presentations we have given are now included here.
We have received a grant from the second ROTOR RFP , thus the forthcoming work will focus on the ROTOR platform.

Documentation and other links

Below you will find very preliminary documentation for the BETA.NET and BETA.Java systems.

Please notice that this is VERY PRELIMINARY documentation.