The Mjølner System: BETA Compiler

The Mjølner System includes an implementation of the BETA programming language. The implementation has the following characteristics:
Native code generation
The compiler generates binary object files or assembly code depending on the platform.
Garbage collection
Automatic storage management and garbage collection is used. The techniques used for garbage collection are generation-based scavenging and mark-sweep.
Separate compilation
Programs may be divided into smaller fragments (modules) for separate compilation. The compiler makes an automatic dependency analysis on the fragments structure. When a fragments has been changed, the system keeps track of the dependent fragments that must be recompiled.
Interface to C and assembly language
There is a general interface to C and assembly language. This includes call of C procedures, call-back and parameter transfer of simple types, text and C structures. For Macintosh, there is also a Pascal interface.
Persistent objects
Support for saving any kind of object generated by a BETA program execution on secondary storage and restoring them in another BETA program execution. The persistent store is fully typesafe.
Distributed objects
The distribution librarys supports distributed BETA objects on network of computers, including remote object references, transparent object access, etc.
The Mjølner System is available on a number of platforms, including Windows 95, Windows NT, many Unix platforms and Macintosh. In addition, Mjølner Informatics ApS offers to port the Mjølner System to other platforms. Ask for more information.
Implementation Language
The entire Mjølner System is written in BETA, except for a few run-time routines.

More Information

For further information, see
Mjølner System: Compiler - Reference Manual.