Help for Online Information

The manuals referred from this page each describe a certain sub-component of the Mjølner System.

1. Navigating the manuals
1.1 Keyboard Navigation
2. Color Usage in the Manuals
3. Interface Descriptions
4. Comments on Manuals
5. A note on Browsers
5.1 Non-graphical Browsers

1. Navigating the manuals

On Most of the pages, if you are using a graphical javascript-enabled Web-browser, you will see a small light green panel, with the white text
but in vertical at the left edge of the browser window.

You will notice, that if you scroll the window down, the Navigation panel scrolls along.

If you move your mouse over the green panel, it will slide in to your window and will then look as depicted below.

If you click a link on the panel, the panel immediately jumps out again.

If you move the mouse away from the panel, after a short while, the panel will slide out again.

The panel looks somewhat like this, when totally visible:

Page Top


The entries in the navigation panel (also referred to as the navigation bar) are links, and they have the following meaning:

The manuals are each organized in a manner that allows them to be read sequentially. The Next link brings you to the next page in this sequence.
The Previous link brings you to the previous page in the sequential order of the manual.
Page Top
This link simply brings you to the top of the current page.
The Contents button brings you to the table of contents for the manual.
The Index link brings you to the alphabetic index of the manual.
Clicking this page brings you to a single file in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view this file. The PDF file allows you to print the whole document in an easy way. Naturally you can instead print individual pages from your browser using the HTML version.
The Help link brings you to this page.
The Manuals link brings you to the main entry of these manuals.
Grayed out versions of the buttons means that the link is not avaiable on that page.

1.1 Keyboard Navigation

Since most browsers do not support keyboard navigation sufficiently yet, we have set up a simple keyboard navigation feature in these pages: If you make sure the the manual window has keyboard focus (e.g. by clicking on the background of the page), the following keys (in lover case) have special meaning:[1]
Navigates to the next page (if any) in the page sequence. Shortcut for choosing Next in the Navigation Panel.
Navigates to the previous page (if any) in the page sequence. Shortcut for choosing Previous in the Navigation Panel.
Navigates to the top of the current page. Shortcut for choosing Page Top in the Navigation Panel.
Navigates to the Table of Content page. Shortcut for choosing Content in the Navigation Panel.
Navigates to the alphabetic index page. Shortcut for choosing Index in the Navigation Panel.
Opens the Help Page in a separate window.
Navigates to the Main Index for these manuals. Shortcut for choosing Manuals in the Navigation Panel.
Hides the Navigation Panel. This can be useful if you want to avoid getting (part of) the Navigation Panel included in a print-out of the page (or if the Navigation Panel just annoys you).
Shows the Navigation Panel.

2. Color Usage in the Manuals

Only a few colors are used for the text in these manuals. They are:
A Heading
Headings are typeset as illustrated above. The font sizes vary - major headings have larger font sizes than minor headings.
Normal Link
Links in the body of the manuals are typeset as illustrated above, even after the link has been followed. In most browsers the cursor changes to a pointing hand, and in some browsers, the link will also become underlined, when the mouse is over the link.
Navigation Panel Link
A link in the Navigation Panel
Indexed word(s)
Words or sentences, that can be found in the alphabetic index, are typeset as illustrated above. The reason for emphasizing these words is that when the link from the index is followed, sometimes there is not enogh below the link on the page for the browser to scroll the indexed word to the top. By emphasizing the words, you should still be able to find the word in the text in this situation.

3. Interface Descriptions

An interface description is a set of pages containing abstract presentations of BETA libraries. The abtract presentations only include the names and enter/exit parameters of the patterns. The identifiers typeset like this in the interface descriptions are the ones that are listed in the alphabetic index.

4. Comments on Manuals

You are invited to submit comments, suggestions, typos, errors, etc. concerning the Mjølner System manuals through:

5. A note on Browsers

To get the most out of these manual pages, you should use a HTML browser with support for These requirements are met by e.g. Netscape Navigator 4.7 , Netscape 6 , and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (or later). Make sure you have Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript enabled in your browser preferences.

If your browser does not meet the above requirements, the pages may look less pleasant, but should still be readable.

5.1 Non-graphical Browsers

If you are using a Non-graphical browser, like Lynx, you should still be able to navigate through these manuals. We have set up standard links that will enable non-graphical browsers to support navigation to the Next, Previous etc. page.

[1] Keyboard navigation does not work in Netscape 4.x on UNIX. Works on Windows and Macintosh, though

The Mjølner System: Help for Online Information
© Mjølner Informatics