The purpose of this Lecture Series is to introduce the students to the tools in the Mjølner System. The lectures assumes that the students have been previously presented to the BETA compiler. This Lecture Series will present the source browser and editor, the debugger, the user interface editor, and the CASE tool, along with a few small utility tools. It is usually beneficial if these lectures could be conducted in an auditorium, where the tools at the same time can be demonstrated live using screen projection techniques to make the students follow a live demonstration.
Readings: [MIA 99-34, chapters on the browser]
Notes: Ymer is the source browser, used in all major Mjølner System tools. Ymer is described in the Sif (see later) tutorial and referce manual, but is available as a componemt also in Valhalla, Frigg and Freja. Using Ymer, you can browse the directory structure and the dependency structure.
Readings: [MIA 99-34]
Notes: Use the editor on some program, utilising all editor facilities to get a feel for the different facilities. The advanced features for abstract presentation, browsing and linking should be presented and the facilities for integration of program and documentation demonstrated.
Readings: [MIA 99-34]
Notes: This is a presentation of the BETA debugger. Using the debugger you can control the execution of BETA programs, inspect the runtime stack, and the state of the objects in the debugged program. The object inspection facilities are actually implemented using the object browser (see later).
Readings: [MIA 99-34]
Notes: This is a presentation of the BETA user interface editor. This editor is an extension of the Sif editor, enabling direct manipulation editing of the user interface aspects of the application being edited..
Readings: [MIA 99-34]
Notes: This is a presentation of the BETA CASE tool. This CASE tools enables you to create design diagrams for your application. Freja is also implemented as an extension of the Sif editor, and in this case with a design diagram editor, in which the design is created, using a graphical design notation, slightly similar to the OMT design notation..
Readings: The manual page for psbrowser
Notes: The object browser is a library, implementing object inspection facilities. The object browser is used in Valhalla to inspect the objects in the debugged program. The object browser can also be linked into your application, augmenting it with inspection facilities of the objects in the application itself.
A special variant of the object browser exists for inspecting persistent stores. This variant is called the psbrowser. The psbrowser is a very useful toll to introduce to programmers, using the persistent store, since it gives them good facilities for browsing the object structures that are stored in a given persistent store.
Readings: The manual pages for these tools
Notes: You might want to introduce the small utility tools: betawc, betatar, and betafs.
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[Modified: Friday October 20th 2000 at 13:18]