4.7 Opening Grammar Files

Sif can also be used to edit or inspect the available grammars and corresponding prettyprint specifications. The grammar files of the Mjølner BETA System are normally located in ~beta/grammars.

There is a naming convention for the grammar files and the prettyprint specification files. For BETA the grammar file is called beta-meta.gram and the corresponding group file is called beta-meta.ast. The prettyprint specification file for BETA is called beta-pretty.pgram and the corresponding group file is called beta-pretty.ast. To open the grammar file for BETA the entry beta-meta must be selected. To open the prettyprint specification file for BETA the entry beta-pretty must be selected. The grammar directory contains also a group file called beta.ast but this is for internal use only.

For more information on grammars and prettyprint specifications etc. see [MIA 91-14].

Mjolner Integrated Development Tool - Reference Manual
© 1991-2004 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Monday October 16th 2000 at 15:38]