7 Known Bugs and Inconveniences

7.1 General

Eos on pipes seems to fail on some systems.

Certain operations take as enter parameter a timeout value, which does not affect the execution of the operation, because timing out makes no sense - the operation is not possibly lenghty. An example is close of a Socket.

In portableMultiAddress, members are deleted by identity, i.e. entering a reference to some portablePortAddress in an invocation of the delete operation will delete that exact instance, if present. It would make more sense to delete every portablePortAddress contained by this portableMultiAddress, which specifies the same communication port as the one entered. That is, it would be better if members were deleted by value equality.

portableMultiAddress ought to have means for iterating through all its members, such as a scan operation. There should also be a way to test for equality and for subset-relations between portablePortAddresses, and between portableMultiAddresses.

In the fragment commpool, in the pattern communication in binaryConnectionPool, the operation removeSock does not remove the connection denoted by sock as it should. Workaround: Use sock[]->markAsDead whereever removeSock should have been used.

The proxy demo is undocumented and probably not quite working

7.2 Windows

Redirecting output through redirectFromFile has not yet been implemented on systems running Windows 95/NT. The same limitation exists for reading and writing to a pipe. Using a pipe to connect to external programs has been implemented, though.

UsageTimeStamp has not yet been implemented. Commpool therefore selects a random socket when choosing a connection to break, not the least recently used.

7.3 Macintosh

Processmanager has no implementation on Macintosh.

UsageTimeStamp has not yet been implemented.

Process Libraries - Reference Manual
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[Modified: Friday October 20th 2000 at 14:22]