The cType value can be any of the constants commProtocol_... and specifies that the chosen channel must be a TCP/UDP/etc. connection or that any kind of connection will do (commProtocol_dontcare).
The value of rType is any of the constants commRely_dontcare (no requirements), commRely_unreliable (allow all the below mentioned kinds of malfunction) or commRely_reliable (prevent all those malfunctions). Or it is a sum of some of the constants commRely_loss (prevent packet lossage), commRely_dup (prevent packet duplication), commRely_order (prevent packets from arriving out of order), commRely_contents (prevent packets from having corrupt data).
In reality, the last guarantee is enforced by means of checksums or something similar, so it is only very unlikely that a packet with corrupt data will pass unnoticed, not impossible. Moreover, all the other guarantees depend on having packets with trustworthy (header) contents, so not all combinations make sense.
Process Libraries - Reference Manual | © 1994-2004 Mjølner Informatics |
[Modified: Friday October 20th 2000 at 14:22]