8 Bibliography

[Agesen 89] Ole Agesen, Svend Frølund, Michael Hoffmann Olsen: Persistent and Shared Objects in BETA, Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, DAIMI IR-89, April 1989.

[Brandt 94] Søren Brandt: Implementing Persistent and Shared Object in BETA. Progress report. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, May 1994.

[Tind 97] Johanna Widerhold Tind: A Multi-User Persistence Framework: Building Customized Database Solutions Using the BETA Persistent Store, Master Thesis, Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, 1997.

[Korsholm 99] Stephan Erbs Korsholhm: Transparent, Scalable, Efficient OO-Persistence, Presented at the 1st ECOOP Workshop on Object-Oriented Databases, ECOOP'99, Lisbon, Portugal, 1999.

Persistence in BETA - Reference Manual
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[Modified: Tuesday October 17th 2000 at 23:01]