This fragment contains a few standard dialogs (more will be added later):
Remember that in order to utilize this extension to Lidskjalv, the fragment stddialogs must be included as follows:
ORIGIN '~beta/guienv/guienv'; INCLUDE '~beta/guienv/stddialogs' --- program: descriptor --- guienv(# ... do ... ... -> fileSelectionDialog -> ...; ... #)
This demo program illustrates the use of the standard file selection dialog. The name of the file selected in the dialog is printed on the screen.
ORIGIN '~beta/guienv/guienv'; INCLUDE '~beta/guienv/stddialogs'; (* This demo shows how to use the fileSelectionDialog pattern. The * name of the file selected in the dialog is printed on the screen. *) -- program: descriptor -- guienv (# theWindow: @window (# eventHandler:: (# onAboutToClose:: (# do terminate #); onMouseUp:: (# name: ^text; do theWindow[] -> fileSelectionDialog -> name[]; (if name[]=NONE then 'Selected Cancel' -> putline else name[] -> putline if) #) #) #) do #)
Lidskjalv: User Interface Framework - Reference Manual | © 1994-2004 Mjølner Informatics |
[Modified: Friday October 27th 2000 at 14:56]