21.27 Streamwindow Interface

ORIGIN '~beta/guienv/guienv';
LIB_DEF 'guienvutilsstreamwin' '../../lib';
BODY 'private/streamwindowbody';

--GuienvLib: attributes--
streamwindow: window
  (* A separate scrolled window, which displays the text put to the
   * stream 'theStream'.
   * theStream buffers output to prevent too frequent
   * updates of the text output.
   * Use flush to ensure everything is displayed in 
   * text output.
   * Should only be 'open'-ed once. Call 'show' and 'hide'
   * to make the window visible/invisible.
  (# theStream: @stream<<SLOT StreamWindowStreamBody: MainPart>>;
     close::<(# ... #);
          onAboutToClose::< (# ... #);
     open::< (# ... #);
     show: ...;
     flush: ...;
     vanish: (* deletes logfile, if opened *)
       (# ... #);
     logfilename: ^text
       (* If specified, logs output to file with that name too *);
       (* If true then window will be hide when a user "click" on close *);
       (* Opens a standard file dialog which prompts for a filename.
        * If this dialog is confirmed, the text written to THIS(StreamWindow)
        * is written to the named file.
       (# dialogtitle: ^text;
       enter dialogtitle[]
       do ...
     private: @...;
  exit theStream[]

21.27 Streamwindow Interface
© 1994-2004 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Friday January 21st 2000 at 8:41]