6.2 Graphical Editor

The graphical editor is the part of interface builder which allows the user interface to be constructed interactively by direct manipulation of Lidskjalv objects. The figure below shows the graphical editor on a newly created object.

[9kb 399x408 GIF]

The menubar consists of three menus: File, Edit and Align. There are two areas inside the graphical editor: The object palette, and the contents area.

6.2.1 Creating Items

Items are added to the window by utilizing the palette. An instance of some item on a palette is created by dragging the item and placing it in the contents area. The canvas pattern has a border and contains other items in its local coordinate system.

When an item is dragged from the palette, the border of the receiving canvas is highlighted to indicate in which canvas the item will belong.

As seen in the figure below the pattern  in Lidskjalv, corredponding to the button is posted below the palette.

[4kb 651x123 GIF]
These different patterns are described in the Lidskjalv reference manual.

6.2.2 Moving and Resizing

The items in the graphical editor can be moved and resized simply by dragging with the mouse. If the item is grabbed in the interior the item is moved, if it is grabbed near the border it is resized.

6.2.3 File Menu

Closes the graphical editor.

6.2.4 Edit Menu

All the operations in the graphical editor can be undone by choosing the "Undo" command in the edit menu. The undo is multilevel, which means that all changes can be undone all the way back to when the window was opened for editing in the session.
A sequence of undo-commands can be redone by invoking the redo command in the edit menu - as long as no other operation has been performed after the undoing.
A copy of the selected objects is placed on the clipboard along with the underlying BETA code, and then deleted from the window. The objects can then be pasted into the window again. It is possible to copy and paste between graphical editors.
A copy of the selected objects is placed on the clipboard along with the underlying BETA code. The objects can the be pasted into the window again. It is possible to copy and paste between graphical editors.
A copy of the selected objects is placed on the clipboard along with the underlying BETA code. The objects can the be pasted into the window again. It is possible to copy and paste between graphical editors.
The selected objects along with the underlying BETA code are deleted without affecting the clipboard.
Object Inspector
The object inspector dialog allows the layout properties of the objects in the graphical editor to be edited in a dialog form in contrast to direct manipulation. Most properties can only be changed via the dialog. The content of the dialog depends on the selected object. The basic info dialog has the properties that are common to all objects.
[8kb 347x355 GIF]
Name: The name are expected to be a proper BETA identifier, since this is the name the pattern will given in the source code.

Events: In the Events menu the different event types of the selected object are listed. When the user clicks on an object, the virtual procedure "onMouseUp" are executed in that object. There is a virtual procedure for each event that the object may receive. Selecting an event, will open a structure editor (sif editor) on the virtual procedure corresponding to the selected event type. If the specialization of the virtual procedure does not yet exist, it is first be created.

Position( x, y) and Size( width , height): The position and the size are most easily changed via direct manipulation, but sometimes it may be easier to enter the precise values via the dialog.

Constraints: The constraints control how the object reacts when the surrounding object are resized. If the bindleft is false and bindRight is true, the object will follow the right edge of the surrounding object without stretching. If bindLeft is true and bindRight is true, the object will stretch etc.

Border: All objects have a border. The visibility of the border can be controlled via the "visible" check box. There is different kinds of shaded border types, that can be selected in the "style" popup menu.

Show Source Code
Opens a structure editor (sif editor) on the code that corresponds to the selected object.
Makes an invisible grid, which grabs the object being draged into the window.
Fit to Contents
Frequently, there is a natural size of an object, dependent of the content of the object. For example a StaticText object would have the extent of the text as the natural size. The "Fit to Contents" command in the edit menu will adjust the size of the selected object to its natural size. Not all objects have natural sizes.

6.2.5 Align Menu

The alignment commands in the alignment menu supply facilities to align objects in a row or centered underneath each other etc. The alignment commands work on the current selection. The first object selected will stay where it is.

These alignment commands are available:
Align left side

Aligns the left sides of the selected objects to the first selected object.
Align right side
Aligns the right sides of the selected objects to the first selected object.
Align top edge
Aligns the top edges of the selected objects to the first selected object.
Align bottom edge
Aligns the bottom edges of the selected objects to the first selected object.
Align vertical center
Aligns the vertical centers of the selected objects to the first selected object.
Align horizontal center
Aligns the horizontal centers of the selected objects to the first selected object.
This command will present a dialog that allows a group of objects to be given the same size or the objects to be arranged, so the distance between any two adjacent objects are the same.
[5kb 316x115 GIF]
To give a group of objects the same vertical distance do the following:
  1. Select the objects that should be given the same vertical distance
  2. Choose the Spacing... command
  3. Check the "Vertical" check box and make sure the other check boxes are unchecked
  4. Type the desired distance into the field next to the check box
  5. Press OK
[207 bytes 24x13 GIF]Notice: The objects will keep their vertical and horizontal order in the window when adjusting the distance. Furthermore, the top left object will always stay where it is.

Mjolner Integrated Development Tool - Reference Manual
© 1991-2004 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Friday October 5th 2001 at 10:46]