5.3 The Group Page

If a work sheet with class diagrams is open, choosing Windows:Group Window a page called 'Group Window' will be opened. This page will contain one or more group diagrams.

The number of group diagrams in the Group Window corresponds to the number of currently open BETA fragment groups.

The Group Diagram displays the properties and the fragments defined in the group. The properties and the fragments can be detailed, i.e. shown in detail, by selecting a node and then select Detail in the View menu. The detailing can also be performed by double-clicking on the nodes. By e.g. double-clicking on the lib: Attributes node, the declarations in the fragment will be presented as a class diagram in on a work sheet (if it is already detailed, the detailed version will become current focus). Doubleclicking Origin, Include or Body fields in a group diagram will open that group and bring up a group diagram for it.

Mjolner Integrated Development Tool - Reference Manual
© 1991-2004 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Monday October 16th 2000 at 15:50]