10.1 Basicshell Interface

ORIGIN '~beta/basiclib/basicsystemenv';
LIB_DEF 'basicshell' '../lib';
 *       Copyright Mjolner Informatics, 1992-98
 *       All rights reserved.
 * Use xshell or shell as origin for distributed BETA programs.
BODY 'private/shellBody';

INCLUDE '~beta/objectserver/ObjectSerializer';
INCLUDE '~beta/sysutils/envstring';
INCLUDE '~beta/process/commaddress';
INCLUDE 'private/rpc_interface';

--- lib:attributes ---

 * Returns the unique shellEnv instance running.

  (# theShellEnv: ^shellEnv;
  do shellEnv## -> objectPool.strucGet 
     (# init::< (# 
          do (failure, 
             'Program:descriptor must be a subpattern of shellEnv')
               -> stop
     #) -> theShellEnv[];
  exit theShellEnv[]

 * When making distributed BETA programs, the "program:descriptor"
 * SLOT in betaenv must be filled with a subpattern of shellEnv. This
 * is also the only instance of shellEnv allowed.

shellEnv: systemenv
      * Furtherbind to specify the kind of Shell.
     shellType:< Shell;
     theShell: @shellType;
      * Pattern definitions used as interfaces to remote objects must
      * be declared in the shellEnvLib SLOT.
      * References to objects being instances of subpatterns of these
      * patterns may be exported for remote access without being
      * declared in this attribute slot, but at least the superpattern
      * containing the entrys to be called remotely should be declared
      * in ShellEnvLib, to make them visible in the client.
     <<SLOT shellEnvLib:attributes>>;
      * Superpattern of all objects that may be accessed remotely.
      * Methods to be called remotely must be non-virtual and be
      * subpatterns of entry.
      * ping returns true if the object is currently accessible and
      * false otherwise.
       (# entry: 
            do (if isProxy then 
                else INNER
          ping: booleanValue 
            (# do ... #);
          (* private *)
          ri: ^remoteInfo;
          isProxy: @Boolean;
          <<SLOT remoteablePrivateEntries:attributes>>;
       do INNER
     (* SHELL
      * Pattern describing executables whose instances are processes.
      * Shells should only be instantiated through ensemble.createShell
      * or started from the commandline. 
      * myEnsemble is a reference to the ensemble on which this shell
      * is running.
      * kill kills the corresponding process. The onKill virtual is
      * called before killing the process. 
      * The INNER part of a shell has to pause once in a while for
      * shellEnv to be able to handle incoming requests. 
      * This is due to the non-preemptive multitasking used.
      * Even if INNER terminates, the process will not terminate before
      * kill has been called. (Of course nasty signals may do the job.
     shell: remoteAble
          myEnsemble: ^ensemble;
          onKill:< Object;
          kill: (# do ... #);
          ShellPrivate: @...;
          <<SLOT shellPrivateEntries:attributes>>;

       do INNER;
      * Performs mapping between logical object names and object
      * references. Subpatterns may perform this mapping differently.
      * put saves an object reference under the name given. The
      * overWrite virtual is called if an object of that name is
      * already registered.  If overWrite returns true, the existing
      * (name,objectref) pair is overwritten with the new one.
      * get looks for an object with the given name and type. If no
      * matching object is found, notFound is called. If an object
      * with the right name, but wrong type is found, quaError is
      * raised.
      * remove undoes put.
      * NameServer is a remoteAble, but all public operations does
      * some work locally before calling remote.

     NameServer: remoteAble
          elementType:< RemoteAble;
            (# overWrite:< BooleanValue;
               name: ^Text; obj: ^elementType;
            enter (obj[], name[])
            do INNER
            (# notFound:< Notification;
               quaError:< Exception;
               name: ^Text; type: ##object;
               obj: ^elementType;
            enter (type##, name[])
            do INNER
            exit obj[]
            (# notFound:< Notification;
               name: ^Text; 
            enter name[]
            do INNER
          <<SLOT NameServerAttributes:attributes>>;
       do INNER
     (* ENSEMBLE 
      * A representation of network hosts.
      * hostname is the hostname of the host represented. 
      * createShell allows creation of shells on the host represented.
      *   The executable name without path is given by the "execName"
      *   parameter, and the expected type of the shell created by
      *   "instances" of this executable is given by the "shellType"
      *   parameter.
      *   appsDir is the directory where executables are expected to
      *   be found.  You should also check the description of the
      *   "shellEnv.defaultAppsDir" virtual.
      *   screenName names the redirection file for screen output from
      *   the new shell. If screenName is not furtherbound, screen
      *   output is redirected to the file specified in the shellEnv
      *   of the shell created.
      *   The execNotFound exception is raised if the executable could
      *   not be found.
      *   processCreationFailed is raised if the process could not be
      *   created.
      *   typeError is raised if the shell created does not have the
      *   expected type.
      *   Other kinds of errors raises the unknownError exception.
      *   Furtherbind environment and call addEnvVar for each
      *   environment variable to be added to the environment of the
      *   new shell.
      *   Furtherbind parameters and call addParam for each command
      *   line parameter to be given to the new shell.
      * ns is a NameServer with default knowledge of the ensembles in
      * the distributed environment. It is therefore possible to
      * lookup other ensembles using ns. Apart from this, ns provides
      * a flat namespace in which objects may be saved and retrieved
      * using ns.put and ns.get. ns.scanNames may be used to iterate
      * over the names explicitly registered in the ensemble using
      * ns.get.
     Ensemble: shell
       (# hostName: ^Text;
            (# appsDir:<
                 (# dir: ^Text
                 do defaultAppsDir -> dir[];
                 exit dir[]
                 (# name: ^Text;
                 do INNER
                 exit name[] 
                 (# addEnvVar: 
                      (# name, value: ^Text;
                      enter (name[],value[])
                      do ...
                    (* private: *) env: ^Text; envCount: @Integer;
                 do INNER
                 exit (env[],envCount)
                 (# addParam:
                      (# value: ^Text;
                      enter value[]
                      do ...
                    (* private: *) params: ^Text; paramCount: @Integer;
                 do INNER;
                 exit (params[],paramCount)
               execNotFound:< Exception
                 do INNER; 
                    (if not continue then
                        'createShell: executable not found.' 
                          -> msg.append;
               processCreationFailed:< Exception
                 do INNER;
                    (if not continue then
               typeError:< Exception
                 do INNER;
                    (if not continue then
                        'createShell: typeError.' -> msg.append;
               unknownError:< Exception
                 do INNER;
                    (if not continue then
                        'createShell: unknownError.' -> msg.append;
               shellType: ##Shell;
               execName: ^Text;
               sh: ^Shell;
            enter (shellType##,execName[])
            do ...
            exit sh[]
          ns: @NameServer
            (# put:: (# do ... #);
               get:: (# do ... #);
               remove:: (# do ... #);
                 (# current: ^Text;
                 do ...
          (* private: *)
          <<SLOT ensembleAttributes:attributes>>;
          ensemblePrivate: @...;
      * The "error" pattern is an abstract super pattern for all
      * communication exception virtuals. The virtual subpatterns of
      * error thus corresponds to different kinds of network errors.
      * When an errorHandler exception is raised that is not further
      * specified, the exception is automatically propagated to the
      * previous handler in the dynamic call chain. This chain of
      * errorHandlers is built by pushing an errorHandler onto the
      * front of the chain when the errorHandler is entered. The
      * propagation of an exception continues until either some
      * handler catches the exception (by further binding the
      * corresponding errorHandler virtual), or until the
      * globalHandler is reached. If even the globalHandler does not
      * catch the error, default action is to kill the current shell
      * process.  By default each coroutine has its own dynamic
      * errorhandler chain.  If the top of this chain is reached,
      * control is passed to the global handler, and not, for example,
      * to the handler chain of the coroutine that forked the active
      * coroutine.
      * If the entered errorHandler (prevHandler) is not NONE, it will
      * be used as the previous handler instead of the currently
      * active errorHandler. This may be used to transfer errors
      * between different coroutines.
      * To gracefully handle network errors, further bind the
      * corresponding error virtual. Within further bindings, one of
      * the nested patterns "ignore", "continue" or "abort" should be
      * called as the last action of the errorHandler. Note that if
      * there are imperatives following the call to e.g. "continue",
      * these imperatives will not be executed!
      *      abort:    DEFAULT!! If abort is called and not further
      *                specified, the remote call that failed is
      *                aborted, and the shell killed. However, to
      *                prevent the shell from being killed, it is
      *                allowed to further specify the abort, and do a
      *                "leave someLabel" inside the further
      *                specification.  For example:
      *                 do myLabel: errorHandler
      *                    (# connectionFailed:: 
      *                          (# do abort (# do leave myLabel #)#);
      *                    do server.op1;
      *                       ...
      *                       server.opn;
      *                    #);
      *                OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF AN ABORT INSTANCE!!!
      *      ignore:   Abort the failing remote call, but pretend as 
      *                if the remote call succeded. Control flow
      *                continues after the remote call causing the
      *                error.  For example: 
      *                 do errorHandler
      *                    (# connectionFailed:: (# do ignore #);
      *                    do server1.op1;
      *                       ign: server2.op2;
      *                       ...
      *                    #);
      *                If the "server.op1" remote call fails, control
      *                flow continues at the "ign:" label. This may of
      *                course result in rather strange program
      *                behaviour. It makes no sense to further specify
      *                the ignore pattern since it never calls INNER.
      *      continue: Retry or continue the operation that caused the
      *                error.  Fx. in the case of a timeout, continue
      *                means that the communication subsystem will
      *                wait once again for the number of seconds
      *                specified in the timeOutValue virtual in
      *                effect.
      * The network errors handled by the errorHandler virtuals are
      * described below.
      * connectionFailed is raised when we fail to send a message to a
      * remote shell.
      * connectionBroken is raised when message send succeded, but the
      * connection to the remote shell was broken before an answer
      * could be received.
      * timeOut is raised if the remote shell failed to answer within
      * the time limit specified by timeOutValue. Default timeOutValue
      * is to wait for ever for answer when doing remote
      * calls. Furtherbind to limit the allowed waitingtime.
      * serverOverload is raised if the remote shell was busy and
      * therefore refused to handle the request. The number of
      * concurrently allowed requests is set by
      * globalErrorHandler.concurrentRequestLimit.
      * unknownObject is raised if the remote shell did not know the
      * object requested. This is a consequence of the remote shell
      * doing a withDraw on the object requested. Thus unknownObject
      * corresponds to detection of a distributed dangling reference.
      * unknownPattern is raised if one of the objects sent to the
      * remote host was an instance of a pattern unknown there
      * (local=FALSE), or if the pattern of a returned object was not
      * known locally (local=TRUE).  In the case of unknown pattern it
      * makes no sense to retry the request.
      * wrongAnswer is raised if the answer from the remote shell does
      * not have the expected format. This could mean that the remote
      * shell is not the one we think it is, i.e. it could be another
      * process at the same port.
      * NOTICE!! It is not allowed to do a "leave" from within the
      * dopart of an errorHandler. If it is necessary to leave the
      * scope of an errorHandler, use the "leaveHandler" pattern as
      * follows:
      *    do someLabel: errorHandler
      *       (#
      *       do ...;
      *          leaveHandler (# do leave someLabel #)
      *       #);
      * If multiple errorHandlers are left this way, use the
      * leaveHandler nested inside the outermost errorHandler in the
      * dynamic call chain.

          <<SLOT errorHandlerLib:attributes>>;
          (* ERROR 
           * is the abstract super pattern of all network related
           * exceptions.
            (# <<SLOT errorHandlerErrorLib:attributes>>;
               abort: failureAction
                 (# ... #);
               continue: failureAction
                 (# ... #);
               ignore: failureAction
                 (# ... #);
               theObj: ^remoteAble; 
               theEntry: ^remoteAble.entry;
               cleanup: ^EH_cleanup;
            enter (theObj[], theEntry[], cleanup[])
            do INNER
          (* NETWORK EXCEPTIONS *)
          connectionFailed:< E_failed;
          connectionBroken:< E_broken;
          unknownObject:< E_unknownObj;
          unknownPattern:< E_unknownPat;
          timeOut:< E_timeOut;
          serverOverLoad:< E_overload;
          wrongAnswer:< E_answer;
          (* TIMEOUTVALUE
           * Further bind and set "sec" in order to change the default
           * "wait for ever" policy.
          timeOutValue:< V_timeOut;
          V_timeOut: (# sec: @Integer 
                     do ... 
                     exit sec 
          E_failed: error (# do ... #);
          E_broken: error (# do ... #);
          E_timeOut: error (# do ... #);
          E_overload: error (# do ... #);
          E_answer: error (# do ... #);
          E_unknownObj: error (# do ... #);
          E_unknownPat: error 
            (# local: @Boolean
            enter local
            do ... 
          (* private: *)
            (# callInner: @Boolean
            do INNER
            (# toDo: @Integer;
               fa: ^failureAction;
            enter (toDo,fa[])
            do INNER
          prevHandler: ^errorHandler;
          enterHandler: @...;
          leaveHandler: (# ... #);
       enter prevHandler[] 
       do enterHandler; INNER; leaveHandler;

      * Furtherbind globalErrorHandler to specify a global
      * errorHandler.
      * concurrentRequestLimit is the maximum number of simultaneous
      * requests this shell will allow. -1 means no limit. If handling
      * a request would result in breaking this limit, the request
      * will be ignored and the client-side exception overLoadError
      * will be raised.
      * workerPoolSize determines the size of the pool of workers to
      * handle incoming requests. A worker is a collection of
      * resources needed to handle a request. Because it is cheaper to
      * reuse these resources than to allocate new ones, the
      * workerPool keeps track of unemployed workers ready for
      * reuse. A reasonable value for workerPoolSize is probably the
      * expected mean number of requests handled simultaneously. If a
      * request is always executed to end without suspending
      * implicitly of explicitly, a single worker is adequate.
     globalErrorHandler:< errorHandler
       (# concurrentRequestLimit:< IntegerValue 
            (# do -1 -> value; INNER #);
          workerPoolSize:< IntegerValue
            (# do 5 -> value; INNER #);
     globalHandler: @globalErrorHandler;
      * When using ensemble.createShell to start processes, this is
      * the default directory on the remote host in which the
      * executable is expected to be found. The default may be
      * overridden using this virtual. Alternatively the directory may
      * be changed individually on each createShell call by
      * furtherbinding the ensemble.createShell.appsDir virtual.
      * As is the case when specifying INCLUDE and BODY paths in the
      * BETA fragment system, you may use '$' to specify machine
      * dependent executable paths. That is, assume "dir" is assigned
      * the value '/mydir/$/', and the remote host on which the new
      * shell is to be created is of type 'sun4s'. Then, the
      * "execName" parameter to createShell is appended to "dir", and
      * all occurrences of '$' in the resulting string then replaced
      * by 'sun4s' before it is used as the full path of an
      * executable.
      * By default, the defaultAppsDir directory is
      *     '/usr/local/lib/beta/distribution/aps/$/'
      * but this may be changed either by the environment variable
      * BETALIB, having default value
      *     '/usr/local/lib/beta/'
      * or by furtherbinding the defaultAppsDir virtual and assigning
      * to "dir".
       (# dir: ^Text
          '$(BETALIB)' -> expandEnvVar
          (# defaultValue::< 
               (# do '/usr/local/lib/beta/' -> envvarvalue[] #)
          #) -> dir[];
          (if (dir.length -> dir.inxGet)<>'/' then
              '/' -> dir.append;
          'distribution/aps/$/' -> dir.append; 
       exit dir[]
      * ShellEnv instances created by ensemble.createShell cannot use
      * the standard outputs of the process.
      * To redirect output you may specify the name of a file by
      * furtherbinding defaultScreenName. If you miss to do so, output
      * from remotely started shells is put into /dev/null.
      * Alternatively screenName may be set individually for created
      * shells by using the ensemble.createShell.screenName virtual.
      * This allows the creator to override the defaultScreenName of
      * the shell created.
      * stdout as well as stderr are redirected to the file named in
      * defaultScreenName or in ensemble.createShell.screenName.
      * Since output on stdout and stderr from remotely started shells
      * should normally be restricted to debugging output, stdout and
      * stderr are unbuffered in order to ensure that all output is
      * actually written to the file specified, and in the order the
      * output was written to stdout respectively stderr.
      * If this shell is started from the commandline,
      * defaultScreenname has no effect, since stdout and stderr are
      * then used without modification.
       (# name: ^Text;
       do INNER 
       exit name[] 
      * When using ensemble.createShell to start processes,
      * createShell needs to know the location of certain scripts. The
      * default location of these scripts is in a subdirectory of the
      * directory containing BETA distribution source files.
      * By default the distribution directory is
      *     '~beta/distribution/private'
      * where ~beta is found by inspecting the BETALIB environment
      * variable. (Default value for BETALIB is
      * '/usr/local/lib/beta').
      * On order of increasing priority, the default may be changed in
      * one of the following ways:
      *   1. Further binding the distributionDir virtual and assigning
      *      to "dir".
      *   2. Setting the BETA_DISTRIBUTIONDIR environment variable.
       (# dir: ^Text;
          (# defaultValue::
               do (* BETA_DISTRIBUTIONDIR not set. If distributionDir
                   * is not further bound, use default.
                  INNER distributionDir;
                  (if dir[]=NONE then
                      (# defaultValue::
                           do '/usr/local/lib/beta/' -> envvarvalue[]
                      (if (dir.length->dir.inxGet)<>'/' then 
                        -> dir.append;
          (if (dir.length->dir.inxGet)<>'/' then '/'->dir.append if);
       exit dir[]
      * This release of the BETA distribution library uses TCP/IP for
      * all communication between distributed BETA processes. The only
      * system port number hardcoded into the distribution library is
      * the port number assigned to the ensemble shell (the
      * "ensembleDeamon" program started on the local host using the
      * "~beta/bin/startensemble" script).
      * By default, the ensemble uses the port number 5193. However,
      * in order to allow several ensemble instances to run on the
      * same host without conflicting, e.g. in order to allow
      * different groups to run BETA distribution without sharing the
      * ensemble, this may be changed in one of the following ways:
      *    1. Set the BETA_ENSEMBLE_PORT environment variable before
      *       starting the distributed program supposed to use an
      *       alternative port number. For example:
      *           setenv BETA_ENSEMBLE_PORT 5211
      *       Note that this should be done before starting the
      *       ensemble to use the alternative portnumber. Remember
      *       that the ensemble.createShell.environment virtual may be
      *       used to set the environment of shells started from other
      *       shells.
      *    2. Furtherbind the ensemblePort virtual found below. For
      *    example:
      *           --- program:descriptor --- 
      *           shellEnv 
      *             (# ...
      *                ensemblePort::< (# do 5211 -> value #) 
      *                ...
      *              #)
     ensemblePort:< IntegerValue
       (# valueAsText: ^Text;
          '$(BETA_ENSEMBLE_PORT)' -> expandEnvVar
          (# defaultValue::< (# do '5193' -> envvarvalue[] #)#)
            -> valueAsText[];
          valueAsText.getInt -> value;
     (* RSHPATH
      * Currently ensemble.createShell depends on "rsh" in order to
      * start new shells on remote hosts. In order to support systems
      * with rsh installed in a non-standard directory, this virtual
      * allows for the specification of the location of the rsh system
      * command.
      * rshpath should be specified to the full path of the "rsh"
      * ("remsh" on HP UX) system command. If rshpath is not further
      * specified, the system default is used. Usually there should be
      * no need for changing the rshpath.
       (# path: ^Text;
       do INNER
       exit path[]
     (* USERNAME
      * Returns username of process owner.
     userName: @
       (# t: ^Text;
       do (if t[]=NONE then ... if)
       exit t[]
     (* WITHDRAW 
      * Due to the lack of distributed garbage collection, we need a
      * way to explicitly withdraw the possibility of remote access to
      * objects whose reference has crossed the shell
      * boundary. Whenever that happens, the object reference is saved
      * in an internal table and is therefore never garbage collected.
      * Calling withdraw with a local object whose reference has been
      * exported deletes the object from the internal table, thereby
      * making it possible to garbage collect the object unless other
      * local references exists. If a request to a withdrawn object
      * arrives from a client, it will fail with an 'unknownObject'
      * exception.  This corresponds to following a distributed
      * dangling reference, and there is no way to avoid this without
      * distributed garbage collection.
      * Proxy objects are garbage collected automatically as is any
      * ordinary object.
       (# ra: ^remoteAble
       enter ra[]
       do ...
      * When performing a remote invocation, one or more objects are
      * serialized (marshalled) to be sent across the network
      * connection.  In some cases large object graphs are serialized
      * this way. Currently there is no way of specifying a limitation
      * on this serialization traversal (as is possible in the
      * persistent store), and sometimes more objects than expected
      * gets serialized, leading to unexpected errors. Most often the
      * error message resulting is "components not handled", which is
      * triggered when trying to serialize an active object. To debug
      * problems like these, a number of patterns are offered below.
      * Tracing is initiated by setting the "TraceSer" boolean to
      * TRUE. When this has been done, the "BeforeSer", "AfterSer" and
      * "AfterUnser" virtuals are called as described below:
      * BeforeSer is called just before an object is about to be
      * serialized, either as a result of being sent in a remote
      * request, or as a result of being returned as a result
      * parameter.
      * AfterSer is called when the object has been serialized.
      * AfterUnser is called when some object received, either as part
      * of an incoming call, or as part of a the result received, has
      * been unserialized.
      * Remoteable instances are not actually serialized. Instead a
      * network representation of the corresponding object reference
      * is sent. In case of a non-remoteable, the object is serialized
      * and all references it contains followed.
     TraceSer: @Boolean;
       (# o: ^Object
       enter o[]
       do INNER
       (# o: ^Object
       enter o[]
       do INNER
       (# o: ^Object
       enter o[]
       do INNER
     senvPriv: @...;
      * The remoteAbleType is a network representation of remoteAble
      * subpatterns. The type represented includes the part of the
      * superpattern chain having origin in shellEnv, excluding
      * remoteAble as this is the basepattern for all patterns
      * represented.
      * groupNames are the names of the groups corresponding to
      * groups.  The path of the groupNames are not included. Instead
      * a check is made at startup time, that no two groups in the
      * executable have the same name, as this cannot be allowed. The
      * reason for this is to avoid the usual problems with pathnames,
      * but it means that no two program files can have the same name.
      * groups are the indices in the local execGroupTable
      * corresponding to groupNames. If a groupName does not exist in
      * the local execGroupTable, group will be -1.
      * protos are the indices of prototypes in the groups.
      * bestKnown is the most specific superpattern of the represented
      * type that is known to the local shell and that has origin in
      * shellEnv.
      * remoteAbleType instances are created by typeAllocator in
      * shellBody.
       (# groupNames: [1]^Text;
          groups: [1]@Integer;
          protos: [1]@Integer;
          last: @Integer;
          bestKnown: ##remoteAble;
      * A specialization of ObjectTableElement containing address
      * information on the corresponding object ra.
      * shellOID is the OID of the shell containing ra.
      * shellAdr is the network address of the shell containing ra.
      * netType is the network representation of the type of ra.
      * ensembleAdr is the network address of the ensemble where a
      * remoteAble exists. ensembleName is the name of the ensemble.
      * ensembleAdr and ensembleName are NONE unless the remoteInfo
      * corresponds to a shell or an ensemble.
     remoteInfo: ObjectTableElement
       (# shellOID: @OIDtype;
          shellAdr: ^portablePortAddress;
          netType: ^remoteAbleType;
          ensembleAdrAsText: ^Text;
          ensembleName: ^Text;
       enter (shellOID,shellAdr[],netType[],
       exit  (shellOID,shellAdr[],netType[],
       do ...
     isEnsemble:< BooleanValue;
  do ...;

10.1 Basicshell Interface
© 1993-2004 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Tuesday March 9th 1999 at 15:23]