1.10 Stack

Stack is a subpattern of the sequentialContainer pattern. Stack implements an ordinary stack with push, pop and top operations.

1.11 Queue

Queue is a subpattern of the sequentialContainer pattern. Queue implements an ordinary queue with insert, remove and front operations.

1.12 Deque

Deque is a subpattern of the sequentialContainer pattern. Deque implements an ordinary double-ended queue with insertFront, insertBack, removeFront, removeBack, front and back operations.

1.13 PrioQueue

PrioQueue is a subpattern of the sequentialContainer pattern. PrioQueue implements a priority queue with insert, remove, front and scanPriority operations. All operations takes a number, identifying a priority. ScanPriority scans through all elements of a given priority.

Container Libraries - Reference Manual
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[Modified: Thursday October 19th 2000 at 12:51]