ORIGIN 'astlevel'; LIB_DEF 'mpsfragmentscanner' '../lib'; (* * COPYRIGHT * Copyright Mjolner Informatics, 1995-97 * All rights reserved. *) -- fragmentGroupLib: Attributes -- scanPropsAndFrags: (# doProperty:<(# prop,s,selector: @text enter (prop,s,selector) do INNER #); doFragmentLink:< (# include: ^astinterface.fragmentgroup.linklisttype.link enter include[] do INNER #); doFragmentForm:< (# fle: ^fragmentListElement enter fle[] do INNER #); doFragmentGroup:< (# fle: ^fragmentListElement enter fle[] do INNER #); doConstProperty:< (# toggle: @boolean; const: @integer enter (toggle, const) do INNER #); inx: @integer; continue: @boolean; prophelp, selector: @text; do (if prop[] = none then 'scanPropsAndFrags: prop is none'->putLine; leave scanPropsAndFrags if); (if fragmentlist[] = none then 'scanPropsAndFrags: fragmentlist is none'->putLine; leave scanPropsAndFrags if); true->continue; propScan: prop.scanProp (# doProp::< (# propUC: ^text; strs: [10]@text; pos: @integer; do prop.copy->propUC[]; propUC.makeUC; (* Ignore some properties. *) (if true // propUC.t[1]='_' // ('DONECHECK'->propUC.equal) // ('FREJAMARK'->propUC.equal) // ('ABSTRACTED'->propUC.equal) then (* These properties are internal - to be ignored *) // ('ON'->propUC.equal) then scanParameters (# doConst::< (# do inx+1->inx; (true,c)->doConstProperty; (if not continue then leave propScan if); #) #) // ('OFF'->propUC.equal) then scanParameters (# doConst::< (# do inx+1->inx; (false,c)->doConstProperty; (if not continue then leave propScan if); #) #) // ('ORIGIN'->propUC.equal) then scanParameters (# doString::< (# do inx+1->inx; (prop,s,'')->doProperty; (if not continue then leave propScan if); (* handle INCLUDEs immediately after ORIGIN *) scanIncludes (# do inx+1->inx; current[]->doFragmentLink; (if not continue then leave propScan if); #) #) #) // ('BODY'->propUC.equal) then scanParameters (# doString::< (# do inx+1->inx; (prop,s,'')->doProperty; (if not continue then leave propScan if); #) #) // ('MDBODY'->propUC.equal) // ('OBJFILE'->propUC.equal) // ('BETARUN'->propUC.equal) // ('MAKE'->propUC.equal) // ('LIBFILE'->propUC.equal) then scanParameters (# doName::< (# do n[]->prophelp.putText; ' '->prophelp.put; n->selector; #); doString::< (# do inx+1->inx; (prop,s,selector)->doProperty; (if not continue then leave propScan if); #) #) // ('BUILD'->propUC.equal) then scanParameters (# doName::< (# do n[]->prophelp.putText; ' '->prophelp.put; n->selector; #); doString::< (# do (if (pos+1->pos)>strs.range then 10->strs.extend if); s->strs[pos]; #) #); inx+1->inx; (prop,strs[pos],selector)->doProperty; (for i: pos-1 repeat inx+1->inx; (prop,strs[i],'')->doProperty; (if not continue then leave propScan if); for); if) #) #); fragScan: (if continue then fragmentList.scan (# do (if current.type // formType then (# do inx+1->inx; current[]->doFragmentForm; (if not continue then leave fragScan if); #) // groupType then (# do inx+1->inx; current[]->doFragmentGroup; (if not continue then leave fragScan if); #); if) #) if); #); scanPropsAndFragsForText: scanPropsAndFrags (# displayText:< (# t: ^text; enter t[] do INNER #); doProperty::< (# propUC: ^text; do prop.copy->propUC[]; propUC.makeUC; propUC->prophelp; ' '->prophelp.put; (if true // ('MDBODY'->propUC.equal) // ('OBJFILE'->propUC.equal) // ('BETARUN'->propUC.equal) // ('MAKE'->propUC.equal) // ('LIBFILE'->propUC.equal) then selector[]->prophelp.putText; ' '->prophelp.put // ('BUILD'->propUC.equal) then (if selector.lgth=0 then ' $'->prophelp; fileno->prophelp.putint; fileno+1->fileno; '='->prophelp.put else 0->fileno; selector[]->prophelp.putText; ' '->prophelp.put; if) if); '\''->prophelp.put; s[]->prophelp.putText; '\' '->prophelp.putText; prophelp[]->displayText; prophelp.clear #); doFragmentLink::< (# t: ^text; do 'INCLUDE \''->t[]; include.linkname[]->t.putText; '\''->t.put; t[]->displayText #); doFragmentForm::< (# catName,t: ^text do (if fle.type=formType then (# ff: ^astInterface.fragmentForm do fle.open->ff[]; (ff.name).copy->t[]; ': '->t.append; (if ff.grammar[] = none then 'ff.grammar[] is none!!'->putLine; (*leave scanFrags*) if); ff.category->ff.Grammar.symbolToName->catName[]; (if catName[]=none then 'ff.category: '->putText; ff.category->putInt; newLine; 'ff.root.symbol: '->putText; ff.root.symbol->putInt; newLine else (if true // ('DescriptorForm'->catName.equal) // ('ObjectDescriptor'->catName.equal) then 'Descriptor'->t.putText; // ('AttributesForm'->catName.equal) // ('AttributeDecl'->catName.equal) then 'Attributes'->t.putText; else (if catName.empty then 'Unexpanded'->t.putText; else catName[]->t.putText; if) if) if); t[]->displayText #) if) #); doFragmentGroup::< (# do INNER #); doConstProperty::< (# do (if toggle then 'ON '->prophelp.append else 'OFF '->prophelp.append if); const->prophelp.putInt; prophelp[]->displayText; prophelp.clear #); fileno: (*private*) @integer; #); findPropsAndFrags: scanPropsAndFrags (# doProperty::< (# do (if inx=currentItemNo then INNER doProperty; false->continue if) #); doFragmentLink::< (# do (if inx=currentItemNo then INNER doFragmentLink; false->continue if) #); doFragmentForm::< (# do (if inx=currentItemNo then INNER doFragmentForm; false->continue if) #); doFragmentGroup::< (# do (if inx=currentItemNo then INNER doFragmentGroup; false->continue if) #); doConstProperty::< (# do (if inx=currentItemNo then INNER doConstProperty; false->continue if) #); currentItemNo: @integer; enter currentItemNo #)
13.3 Fragmentscanner Interface | © 1991-2002 Mjølner Informatics |
[Modified: Monday January 10th 2000 at 13:00]