7.6 Browsing through BETA Code

7.6.1 Inspecting the current code

When the debugged process is stopped in some BETA code, and no code view is opened on that code, selecting Current Code from the Windows Menu of the Valhalla Universe opens a code view with the current BETA imperative selected. If a code view on that code is already opened, it is raised (and wriggled), and the current imperative selected.
You can also press the "CODE" button in the Valhalla Universe, this has the same effect.

7.6.2 The code view

A code view displays an abstract textual description of a BETA object descriptor. Abstract means that nested object descriptors are displayed as three dots. Using the facilities of a code view it is possible to set breakpoints, perform expression searches, or simply inspect the textual description of the pattern.

Anywhere inside the code view, you can get access to the Breakpoints menu, simply by holding the right mouse button down. This will pop-up the Breakpoints menu.

We refer to the Source Browser Reference Manual in the Mjølner Tool manuals ([MIA 99-39], [MIA 99-40], [MIA 99-34]), for further details of the source browser facilities.

Mjolner Integrated Development Tool - Reference Manual
© 1991-2002 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Monday October 23rd 2000 at 11:49]