7.2 Environment Editor

The debugged process is executed as a separate process, and is executed in an environment that is a copy of the environment, that Valhalla is executing in. However, in some cases, the debugged process demands special values in some of the environment variables, or it may demand some additional environment variables to be set.

In order to operate on the environment of the debugged process, the Environment Editor is available (by selecting Environment... in the Edit menu):

Figure 10: The Environment Editor

[10kb 622x407 GIF]

The upper pane is a scrolling list containing a name-value pair for each environment variable in the environment of the debugged process. By selecting one such pair, it is also visible in the lower pane, in the two edit fields. To the left is the name, and to the right the value. By editing the value, you can specify a new value to the environment variables. By pressing the Set button, the new value is defined.

If you wish to define a new environment variable, you can just specify its name in the left text field, and its value in the right text field, and it will then become defined when the Set button is pressed.

If you wish to remove the definition of an environment variable, you can select the variable from the list and press the Delete button.

Pressing the Clear button will remove any contents in the two edit fields.

Changes to the environment are not directly reflected in the debugged process, but will be reflected when you rerun the debugged process.

Mjolner Integrated Development Tool - Reference Manual
© 1991-2002 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Friday October 27th 2000 at 14:56]