8 Appendix: Keyboard shortcuts

8.1 Main window

8.1.1 Ctrl with letters

Shortcut Command Description
Ctrl+ASelect All Selects the entire fragment form shown or, in text edit mode, the area being edited.
Ctrl+C Copy Copy selection to clipboard.
Ctrl+F Find Opens a dialog that lets you search for a string in either the current selection, the current fragment form, a file or its "domain" or "extent".
Ctrl+H Replace Like Find, but lets you replace the string by another one.
Ctrl+IInsert Optional Nonterminals Shows any optional nonterminals.
Ctrl+NNew BETA Program Create a new BETA program
Ctrl+OOpen file Open a BETA file
Ctrl+PPrint Print your code. Currently implemented only for Windows
Ctrl+Q Quit Mjolner Tool Of course, you wouldn't want to, but sometimes it's necessary to stop the fun.
Ctrl+R Remove Optional Nonterminals Hides any optional nonterminals.
Ctrl+SSave file Saves the current open file on disk
Ctrl+V PastePaste from clipboard, replacing current selection. In source browsing mode, when you do not want to replace anything, use the Paste Before or Paste After commands.
Ctrl+X CutCut selection to clipboard.
Ctrl+YRedo Redoes the last thing you have undone. Works very well together with Undo for people that change their minds often.
Ctrl+ZUndo Currently available only in source browsing mode. When in text edit mode, you may cancel all changes and exit text edit mode by pressing Escape.
Ctrl+Alt+H Get help Open a browser with the Mjolner System Documentation

8.1.2 Other shortcuts

Your source code is structured as a tree, parts of which may be hidden to give you a better overview. Hidden branches are shown as '...'. The Abstract and Detail commands let you navigate the view of this tree by expanding and collapsing branches.

Shortcut Command Mouse Description
Alt+Right Show definition


Show code
Double click

[545 bytes 48x39 PNG]
This command has a number of different meanings depending on the current selection. It expands a branch, so that you can see more details around the current selection, jumps to the definition of a name, or opens/closes a comment
Alt+Left Abstract Recursively   Abstract the current selection
Alt+Down Detail Recursively   Detail the current selection until nothing remains abstract in it
Alt+Up Overview   Abstract the code around the current selection
Ctrl+'+' Zoom in   Zoom in on current selection
Ctrl+'-' Zoom out   Extend the contents of the code viewer to show one level more of the structure, i.e. change the editor root to its father
Ctrl+LeftBack [585 bytes 48x39 PNG] Go back to where you were before, e.g. before you pressed Show Definition and jumped to the definition
[591 bytes 48x39 PNG]
The oppposite of Back
Text Edit   Enter/Leave text edit mode.
Escape Cancel Text Edit   Leave text edit mode whithout saving changes.
Insert Paste Before   Prepend the contents of the clipboard to the current selection.
Ctrl+Insert Paste After   Append the contents of the clipboard to the current selection.
DeleteClear   Delete the current selection
Return Insert After   Append "empty code" to the current selection.
Ctrl+Return Insert Before   Prepend "empty code" to the current selection.

8.1.3 Function keys

Shortcut Command Mouse Description
Text Edit   Enter/Leave text edit mode.
F3To slot [749 bytes 48x39 PNG] Search through the chain of ORIGINs looking for a SLOT matching the fragment form
F4Check current   Check the current code for errors
Ctrl+F4 Check program [801 bytes 48x39 PNG] Re-check the program that was last checked
F5 Re-prettyprint   Redraws the code if something has gone awry
F6 Show log window   Opens a separate window with the MjolnerTool log
F7 Compile current   Compile the current code and (if it is a program) produce an executable file
Ctrl+F7Compile program [618 bytes 48x39 PNG] Compile and create executable for the most recently selected program
Shift+F7Compile and run   Compile and run the most recently selected program
F8 Run program [1kb 48x39 PNG] Run the most recently selected program (if it has been compiled)
F9 Debug the program [797 bytes 48x39 PNG] Debug the most recently selected program (if it has been compiled)
Ctrl+F9Debug Executable   Choose an executable to debug

8.2 CASE tool window

8.2.1 Ctrl and letters

Shortcut Command Description
Ctrl+C Copy Copy selection to clipboard.
Ctrl+F Find Opens a dialog that lets you search for a string in either the current selection, the current fragment form, a file or its "domain" or "extent".
Ctrl+IInsert Optional Nonterminals Shows any optional nonterminals.
Ctrl+NNew Diagram Create a new BETA file with a library of attributes. Its corresponding UML box is added to your diagram
Ctrl+OOpen file Open a BETA file
Ctrl+PPrint Print your code
Ctrl+R Remove Optional Nonterminals Hides any optional nonterminals.
Ctrl+SSave Save the current open file on disk
Ctrl+V PastePaste from clipboard, replacing current selection. In source browsing mode, when you do not want to replace anything, use the Paste Before or Paste After commands.
Ctrl+W Close Close the CASE tool window but not the MjolnerTool main window
Ctrl+X CutCut selection to clipboard.

8.2.2 Other shortcuts

Shortcut Command Description
Detail and abstract Detail and abstract branches of the syntax tree, you're viewing as described under the main window section
F2 Edit graphics text Edit text in graphics object
F6 Show log window Opens a separate window with the MjolnerTool log
Insert Paste Before Prepend the contents of the clipboard to the current selection.
Ctrl+Insert Paste After Append the contents of the clipboard to the current selection.
Return Insert After Append "empty code" to the current selection.
Ctrl+Return Insert BeforePrepend "empty code" to the current selection.
Ctrl+Shift+A New Attribute Create a new attribute in the selected class
Ctrl+Shift+C New Class Create a new class
Ctrl+Shift+L New Local Class Create a new class inside the selected class
Ctrl+Shift+O New Operation Create a new operation in the selected class

8.3 GUI Builder Window

8.3.1 Ctrl and letters

Shortcut Command Description
Ctrl+C Copy Copy selection to clipboard.
Ctrl+F Find Opens a dialog that lets you search for a string in either the current selection, the current fragment form, a file or its "domain" or "extent".
Ctrl+SSave Save the current open file on disk
Ctrl+V PastePaste from clipboard, replacing current selection. In source browsing mode, when you do not want to replace anything, use the Paste Before or Paste After commands.
Ctrl+W Close Close the GUI builder window (but not the MjolnerTool main window)
Ctrl+X CutCut selection to clipboard.
Ctrl+YRedo Redo the last thing you have undone
Ctrl+ZUndo Undo changes

8.3.2 Other shortcuts

Shortcut Command Description
Alt+Right Show source code Opens a separate source browser window showing the actual code for the selected item

Mjolner Integrated Development Tool - Reference Manual
© 1991-2002 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Thursday October 4th 2001 at 16:56]