mjolner - Mjolner Integrated Development Tool
mjolner file...
The Mjolner Integrated Development Tool is available as part of the Mjolner System from Mjolner Informatics.
Mjolner is a general structure editor, especially targeted for browsing and editing BETA programs. Mjolner is an in- tegrated development tool that consists of the following components: A source browser, a general struc- ture editor, especially targeted for browsing and editing BETA programs, a source level debugger, a GUI editor (inter- face builder) a class diagram editor (CASE tool). Mjolner is integrated with the BETA compiler beta (1). This integration gives a good support for locating and correcting semantic errors.
mjolner recognizes the environment variable $BETALIB. Please note that this variable is given default value in the Bourne Shell script $BETALIB/configuration/env.sh BETALIB Specifies where ~beta is located. If not set, beta is assumed to be a username, and ~beta being the home directory of that user. Is used by many tools in the Mjolner System. EDITOR If specified, simple textediting (as opposed to struc- ture editing) can be done using the text editor, speci- fied by EDITOR. Simple textediting is activated using the 'External textedit' command of the Edit menu of mjolner. After textediting, the modified text is parsed according to the corresponding syntactic category. E.g emacs (1) can be used by setting EDITOR to /usr/local/bin/emacsclient and starting emacs as a server by emacs -f server-start.
beta(1) - BETA Compiler betatar(1) - BETA tar(1) front-end betafs(1) - Mjolner BETA Fragment Structure Lister betawc(1) - BETA fragment analyzer The Mjolner System - Online Documentation; available in two forms: $BETALIB/doc/index.html: Local copy of the documentation as released with release 5.0. http://www.mjolner.com/mjolner-system/ documentation/index.html: Latest version of the documentation. [MIA 99-39] The Mjolner System: Mjolner Integrated Develop- ment Tool - Overview; available in two forms: $BETALIB/doc/mjolner-overview/index.html: Local copy of the Mjolner Integrated Development Tool overview as released with release 5.0. http://www.mjolner.com/mjolner-system/ documentation/mjolner-overview/index.html: Latest version of the Mjolner Integrated Develop- ment Tool overview. [MIA 99-40] The Mjolner System: Mjolner Integrated Develop- ment Tool - Tutorial; available in two forms: $BETALIB/doc/mjolner-tut/index.html: Local copy of the Mjolner Integrated Development Tool tutorial as released with release 5.0. http://www.mjolner.com/mjolner-system/ documentation/mjolner-tut/index.html: Latest version of the Mjolner Integrated Develop- ment Tool tutorial. [MIA 99-34] The Mjolner System: Mjolner Integrated Develop- ment Tool - Reference Manual; available in two forms: $BETALIB/doc/mjolner/index.html: Local copy of the Mjolner Integrated Development Tool reference manual as released with release 5.0. http://www.mjolner.com/mjolner-system/ documentation/mjolner/index.html: Latest version of the Mjolner Integrated Develop- ment Tool reference manual.
Mjolner is developed by Mjolner Informatics as part of the Mjolner System. Questions, bug-reports, etc. may be directed to support@mjolner.com if the local support organization cannot find solutions to the problems. For more information of the Mjolner System, please contact Mjolner Informatics, Helsingforsgade 27, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Aarhus C, Denmark, phone: +45 70 27 43 43, fax: +45 70 27 43 44, e-mail: info@mjolner.com, web: http://www.mjolner.com.
Mjølner System: Man Pages | © 1990-2002 Mjølner Informatics |
[Modified: Tuesday June 29th 2004 at 13:05]