betafs - Mjolner BETA Fragment Structure Lister
betafs file...
The Mjolner BETA Fragment Structure Lister is available as part of the Mjolner System from Mjolner Informatics.
Betafs is a small utility for printing out the entire depen- dency graph (in textual format) of a fragment file. Is usefull for documentation purposes, and for identifuing pos- sible version problems in the dependency graph.
betafs recognizes the environment variable $BETALIB. Please note that this variable is given default value in the Bourne Shell script $BETALIB/configuration/ BETALIB Specifies where ~beta is located. If not set, beta is assumed to be a username, and ~beta being the home directory of that user. Is used by many tools in the Mjolner System.
beta(1) - BETA Compiler mjolner(1) - Mjolner Integrated Development Environment betatar(1) - BETA tar(1) front-end betawc(1) - BETA fragment analyzer
Betafs is developed by Mjolner Informatics as part of the Mjolner System. Questions, bug-reports, etc. may be directed to if the local support organization cannot find solutions to the problems. For more information of the Mjolner System, please contact Mjolner Informatics, Helsingforsgade 27, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Aarhus C, Denmark, phone: +45 70 27 43 43, fax: +45 70 27 43 44, e-mail:, web:
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[Modified: Tuesday June 29th 2004 at 13:05]