20.1 Controls Interface

ORIGIN 'guienv';
LIB_DEF 'guienvcontrols' '../lib';
BODY 'private/controlsbody';
 *       Copyright (C) Mjolner Informatics, 1991-96
 *       All rights reserved.
-- windowLib: attributes --
control: windowitem
  (* a control is a graphical object in the window that the user can
   * use to perform actions. All user interaction with the control
   * that can result in an action should give some kind of visual
   * feedback.
  (# <<SLOT controlLib: attributes>>;
     open::< (# create::< (# do ... #);
       do ... 
       (# onEnabledChanged::< (# ... #);   
     close::< (# do ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* control *);
scrollbar: control
  (* A scrollbar controls the scrolling of a textfield or picture
   * etc.
  (# <<SLOT scrollbarLib: attributes>>;
       (# thumbMoved: event
            (* is called whenever a user has moved the thumb of
             * THIS(scrollbar)
            (# amount: @integer;
            enter amount
            do ...;
          onThumbMoved:< thumbMoved;
          pageDown: event
            (* called when the user clicks in the page down area *)
            (# do ...; #);
          onPageDown:< pageDown;
          pageUp: event
            (* called when the user clicks in the page up area *)
            (# do ... #);
          onPageUp:< pageUp;
          buttonDown: event
            (* called when the user clicks at the down button *)
            (# do ... #);
          onButtonDown:< buttonDown;
          buttonUp: event
            (* called when the user clicks at the up button *)
            (# do ... #);
          onButtonUp:< buttonUp;
          pageScrollAmountChanged: event
            (* called when the scrollamount is changed *)
            (# do INNER; #);
          onPageScrollAmountChanged:< pageScrollAmountChanged;
          scrollAmountChanged: event
            (* called when the scrollamount is changed *)
            (# do INNER; #);
          onScrollAmountChanged:< scrollAmountChanged;
          maxValueChanged: event
            (* called when the max value is changed *)
            (# do INNER; #);
          onMaxValueChanged:< maxValueChanged;
          valueChanged: event
            (* called when the value is changed *)
            (# do INNER; #);
          onValueChanged:< valueChanged;
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
       (* Specifies if THIS(scrollbar) is vertical, false is the
        * default value
       (* scrollAmount is the amount the scrollbars thumb will move,
        * when the user clicks in the up button or in the down button
       (# value: @integer
       enter (# enter value do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit value #)
       (* pageScrollAmount is the amount the scrollbars thumb will
        * move, when the user clicks in the page down or page up area
       (# value: @integer;
       enter (# enter value do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit value #)
       (* this combines setMaxValue and getMaxValue.  Evaluate the
        * enter part to set the maximum value and evaluate the exit
        * part to get the maximum value
       (# value: @integer
       enter (# enter value do ... #)
       exit  (# do ... exit value #)
       (* evaluate the enter part to set the value and evaluate the
        * exit part to the maximum value.  The thumb of the scrollbar
        * is drawn acording to maxValue and the current value. That
        * is, if maxValue is 100 and value is 50, the thumb will be
        * drawn in the middle of the scrollbar
       (#  pos: @integer;
       enter (# enter  pos do ... #)
       exit  (# do ... exit pos #)
       (* the length is either the height or the width of the frame
        * depending of the orientation
       (# theLength: @integer;
       enter (# enter theLength do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit theLength #)
       (# create::< (# do ... #)
       do ... 
     close::< (# do ...; #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* scrollbar *);

button: control
  (* this is the abstract superpattern for all button-like controls *)
  (# <<SLOT buttonLib: attributes>>;
       (# labelChanged: event
            (* is called whenever the label is changed *)
            (# do INNER; #);
          onLabelChanged:< labelChanged;
          styleChanged: event
            (* is called whenever the style is changed *)
            (# do INNER #);
          onStyleChanged:< styleChanged;
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
       (* the label is the text displayed in THIS(button).  The event
        * labelChanged is called, when the label is changed
       (# theLabel: ^text;
       enter (# enter theLabel[] do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit theLabel[]  #)
       (* the text style used for drawing the label  *)
       (# theStyle: ^textStyle
       enter (# enter theStyle[] do ... #)
       exit  (# do ... exit theStyle[] #)
       (# c:@color
       enter c
       do ...
       (# create::< (# do ... #)
       do ... 
     close::< (# do ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* button *);
pushButton: button
  (* this is a button like the OK and Cancel buttons in dialogs *)
  (# <<SLOT pushButtonLib: attributes>>;
       (# create::< (# do ... #)
       do ... 
     close::< (# do ... #);
       (# onMouseDown::<
            (# ... #);
            (# ... #);
            (# ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* pushButton *);
staticText: button
  (* normally a staticText is used to label editText fields *) 
  (# <<SLOT staticTextLib: attributes>>;
       (# onRefresh::<
            (# do ...#);
       (# create::< (# do ... #)
       do ... 
     close::< (# do ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* staticText *);
iconButton: button
  (* an icon has a label, which is drawn centered just below the
   * image of the icon
  (# <<SLOT iconButtonLib: attributes>>;
       (# showLabelChanged: event
            (* called when showLabel is changed *)
            (# do INNER #);
          onShowLabelChanged:< showLabelChanged;
          iconChanged: event
            (* Called when the icon is changed *)
            (# do INNER #);
          onIconChanged:< iconChanged;
          onRefresh::< (# do ... #);
          onHiliteChanged::< (# do ... #);
          onMouseDown::< (# ... #);
       (* if true, the label is shown centered under the image of the
        * Icon
       (# doShow: @boolean
       enter (# enter doShow do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit doShow #)
       (# theIcon: ^pixmap;
       enter (# enter theIcon[] do ... #)
       exit (# do ...; exit theIcon[] #)
       (# create::< (# do ... #)
       do ... 
     close::< (# do ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* iconButton *);
optionButton: button
  (* a optionButton has a menu, which pops up, when the user clicks
   * at the button. A normal way to use a optionButton is to set the
   * label of the button to the current selected item in the menu
  (# <<SLOT optionButtonLib: attributes>>;
       (# currentItemChanged: event
            (* called when currentItem is changed *)
            (# do INNER #);
          onCurrentItemChanged:< currentItemChanged;
          popUpMenuChanged: event
            (* called when popUpMenu is changed *)
            (# do INNER #);
          onPopUpMenuChanged:< popUpMenuChanged;
          onLabelChanged::< (# do ... #);
          onStyleChanged::< (# do ... #);
          onRefresh:: (# ... #);
       (* the current item is the number of the item, which name is
        * currently shown in the popup box.  You can get a reference
        * to that item by calling: currentItem ->
        * theMenu.getItemByNumber -> theItem[];
       (# itemNo: @integer
       enter (# enter itemNo do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit itemNo #)
       (* evaluate the enter part to set the menu that pops up in
        * THIS(optionButton). And evaluate the exit part to get the
        * menu
       (# popupMenu: ^menu;
       enter (# enter popupMenu[] do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit PopupMenu[] #)
       (# create::< (# do ... #)
       do ... 
     close::< (# do ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* optionButton *);
toggleButton: button
  (* this is the abstract superpattern for all buttons that toggle
   * between two states (on/off buttons)
  (# <<SLOT toggleButtonLib: attributes>>;
       (# stateChanged: event
            (* this event is called whenever the state of
             * THIS(toggleButton) is changed
            (# do INNER #);
          onStateChanged:< stateChanged;
            (# ... #);
       (# theState: @boolean;
       enter (# enter theState do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit theState #)
       (# create::< (# do ... #)
       do ... 
     close::< (# do ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* toggleButton *);
radioButton: toggleButton
  (* a radioButton is mostly used in a radiobutton cluster, where
   * only one radioButton is set at a time. A radioButton is thus
   * useful to let the user choose among different alternatives
  (# <<SLOT radioButtonLib: attributes>>;
       (# create::< (# do ... #)
       do ... 
     close::< (# do ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* radioButton *);
checkBox: toggleButton
  (* this is useful for setting options in dialogs *)
  (# <<SLOT checkBoxLib: attributes>>;
       (# create::< (# do ... #);
       do ...
     close::< (# do ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* checkBox *);
editText: control
  (* this is a simple version of textField. Only one textStyle is
   * allowed.  The purpose of this control is to build dialogs
  (# <<SLOT editTextLib: attributes>>;
       (* an editText can only have one textStyle.  Evaluate the
        * enter part to set the textStyle.  Evaluate the exit part to
        * get the textStyle
       (# txStyle: ^textStyle
       enter (# enter txStyle[] do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit txStyle[] #)
       (* the contents of an editText is text.  Evaluate the enter
        * part to set the contents, and evaluate the exit part to get
        * the contents
       (# str: ^text 
       enter (# enter str[] do ... #)
       exit (# do ... exit str[] #)
       (# onFrameChanged::<
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
            (# do ... #);
       (* the textStyle of THIS(editText) is initially set to the
        * system's textStyle
       (# create::< (# do ... #);
       do ... 
     close::< (# do ... #);
     private: @...;
  #) (* editText *);
  (* the defaultButton in the window recieves a mouseUp event when
   * the user presses the return-key
  (# theButton: ^button
  enter (# enter theButton[] do ... #)
  exit (# do ... exit theButton[] #)

20.1 Controls Interface
© 1994-2002 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Monday January 3rd 2000 at 12:28]