4.10 The withdrawpattern

Due to the lack of distributed garbage collection, we need a way to explicitly withdraw the possibility of remote access to objects whose reference has crossed the shell boundary. That is, whenever a reference to a local object crosses the shell boundary for the first time, the object reference is saved in an internal table and is therefore never garbage collected. Calling withdraw with a local remoteable instance whose reference has been exported deletes the object from the internal table, thereby making it possible to garbage collect the object unless other local references exist. If a request to a withdrawn object arrives from a client, the request will fail with the unknownObject exception raised at the client side. This corresponds to following a distributed dangling reference, and cannot be avoided without distributed garbage collection.

Distributed Objects in BETA - Reference Manual
© 1993-2002 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Monday October 23rd 2000 at 11:16]