13.22 Wtext Interface

ORIGIN 'betaenv';
BODY 'private/wtextbody'
 *       Copyright (C) Mjolner Informatics, 1997-98
 *       All rights reserved.
 * This fragment implements a UniCode stream and text concept

  (# <<SLOT wStreamLib: attributes>>;
     length:< integerValue (* returns the length of THIS(wStream) *)
       do -1->value; INNER length
     position: (* current position of THIS(wStream) *)
       enter setPos
       exit getPos
     eos:< (* returns 'true' if THIS(wStream) is at end-of-wStream *)
     reset: (* sets 'position' to zero *)
       do 0->setPos
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
     peek:< (* looks at the next character of THIS(wStream) *)
       (# ch: @wchar
       do INNER peek
       exit ch
     get:< (* reads a character from THIS(wStream) *)
       (# ch: @wchar
       do INNER get
       exit ch
       (* Reads first non-whitespace character from THIS(wStream).
        * If called at end-of-wStream the character 'ascii.fs' is
        * returned
       (# ch: @wchar;
          skipblanks: @scanWhiteSpace;
          testEOS: @EOS;
          getCh: @get;
       exit ch
     getint: integerValue
       (* Reads an integer: skips whitespace characters and
        * returns the following digits. 
        * See numberio.bet for more numerical output operations
       (# syntaxError:< wStreamException
            do 'getint: syntax error - looking at: "'->msg.append;
               peek->msg.put; '"'->msg.putline; INNER syntaxError
          geti: @... 
       do geti; INNER getint
       (* Returns the next atom (i.e. sequence of non-white
        * characters - skipping leading blanks)
       (# txt: ^wtext;
       do &wText[]->txt[]; INNER getAtom;
       exit txt[]
       (* Reads a sequence of characters until nl-character
        * appears and returns the characters read.
       (# txt: ^wText;
       do &wText[]->txt[]; INNER getline
       exit txt[]
       (* converts THIS(wText) to an integer value, ignoring
        * leading and trailing whitespace.  See numberio.bet for
        * more numerical conversion operations.
       (# i: @integer;
          syntaxError:< wStreamException
            (# peekCh: @wchar
            enter peekCh
            do 'asInt: syntax error - looking at: "'->msg.append;
               peekCh->msg.put; '"'->msg.put;
               INNER syntaxError
       exit i
     put:< (* writes a character to THIS(wStream) *)
       (# ch: @wchar
       enter ch
       do INNER put
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
     newline: (* writes the nl-character *) 
       do ascii.newline->put
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
       (* Writes an integer to THIS(wStream); The format may be
        * controlled by the 'signed', 'blankSign', 'width',
        * 'adjustLeft' and 'zeroPadding' variable attributes.
        * 'width' is extended if it is too small.  Examples:
        * '10->putint' yields: '10'; '10*pi->putint(# do 10->width;
        * true->adjustLeft #)' yields: '10 '; and '10->putint(# do
        * 10->width; true->zeroPadding #)' yields: '0000000010'.
        * See numberio.bet for more numerical output operations
       (# n: @integer;
          signed: @boolean
            (* If integer is positive, a '+' will always be
             * displayed
          blankSign: @boolean 
            (* If integer is positive, a ' ' space is displayed as
             * the sign.  Ignored if 'signed=true'
          width: @integer
            (* Minimum width *);
          adjustLeft: @boolean
            (* Specifies if the number is to be aligned left or
             * right, if padding of spaces is necessary to fill up
             * the specified width.
          zeroPadding: @boolean
            (* width is padded with leading zero instead of
             * spaces.  Ignored if 'adjustLeft=true'
          format:< (# do INNER format #);
          puti: @...
       enter n
       do 1->width; format; INNER putint; puti
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
     putText:< (* Writes a wText to THIS(wStream). *)
       (# txt: ^wText
       enter txt[]
       do (if txt[]<>NONE then INNER puttext if)
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
       (* 'puttext' followed by 'newline' *)
       (# T: ^wText; putT: @puttext; newL: @newline
       enter T[]
       do INNER putline; T[]->putT; newL
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
       (* Scan chars from current position in THIS(wStream) while
        * '(ch->while)=true'; perform INNER for each char being
        * scanned
       (# while:<
            (# ch: @wchar; value: @boolean
            enter ch
            do true->value; INNER while
            exit value
          ch: @wchar;
          whilecondition: @while;
          testEOS: @EOS;
          getPeek: @peek;
          getCh: @get;
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
     scanWhiteSpace: scan 
       (* Scan whitespace characters *)
       (# while::< (# do ch->ascii.isWhiteSpace->value #)
       do INNER scanWhiteSpace
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
       (* Scan until first non-whitespace char.  Scan the next
        * sequence of non-whitespace chars.  Stop at first
        * whitespace char.  For each non-whitespace char an INNER
        * is performed. Usage: 'scanAtom(# do ch-><destination> #)'
       (# ch: @wchar;
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
       (* Scan all chars in current line including newline char *)
       (# ch: @wchar; getCh: @get;
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
     wStreamException: exception
       (# do INNER wStreamException #);
     EOSerror:< wStreamException
       (* Raised from 'get' and 'peek' when attempted to read past
        * the end of the wStream.
       do 'Attempt to read past end-of-wStream'->msg.putline; 
          INNER EOSerror
     otherError:< wStreamException
       (* Raised when some other kind of wStream error apart from
        * the one mentioned above occurs.
     getPos:< (* returns current position of THIS(wStream) *)
     setPos:< (* sets current position in THIS(wStream) to 'p' *)
       (# p: @integer
       enter p
       do INNER setPos
       exit THIS(wStream)[]
  #); (* pattern wStream *)

(*****  wText pattern **********************************************)
wText: wStream
  (* A wText is a sequence of characters.  Let 'T: @wText'. The
   * range of 'T' is '[1,T.length]'.  A wText can be initialized by
   * executing 'T.clear' or by assigning it another (initialized)
   * wText.  A wText-constant has the form 'foo'.  The 'wText' pattern
   * is primarily intended for small wTexts but there is no upper
   * limit in the size. However, most of the operations becomes
   * less efficient with larger wTexts.
  (# <<SLOT wTextLib: attributes>>;
     length::< (* Returns the length of THIS(wText) *) 
       (# do lgth->value; INNER length #);
       (# ... #);
       (# exit (lgth = 0) #);
     clear: (* Sets the length and position of THIS(wText) to zero *)
       do 0->pos->lgth
       exit THIS(wText)[]
     equal: booleanValue
       (* Tests if THIS(wText) is equal to the entered wText.  If
        * 'NCS' is further bound to 'trueObject', the comparison
        * will be done Non Case Sensitive.
       (# txt: ^wText;
          NCS:< booleanObject
       enter txt[]
     equalNCS: equal
       (* As 'equal', except the the comparison will be done Non
        * Case Sensitive
       (# NCS:: trueObject #);
     less: booleanValue
       (* Tests whether the entered wText 'T1[1: length]' is less
        * than 'THIS(wText)[1: T1.length]'.  The lexicographical
        * ordering is used.
       (# T1: ^wText
       enter T1[]
     greater: booleanValue
       (* Tests whether the entered wText 'T1[1: length]' is
        * greater than 'THIS(wText)[1: T1.length]'.  The
        * lexicographical ordering is used.
       (# T1: ^wText
       enter T1[]
       (* Returns the character at current position; does not
        * update 'position'
       (# ... #);
       (* Returns the character at current position; increments
        * 'position'
       (# ... #);
     inxGet: wcharValue
       (* Returns the character at position 'i' *)
       (# i: @integer;
          iget: @...
       enter i
       do iget
       (* Returns the next atom (i.e. sequence of non-white
        * characters - skipping leading blanks)
       (# ... #);
       (* Reads a sequence of characters until nl-character
        * appears and returns the characters read.
       (# ... #);
       (* writes the character 'ch' at current position in
        * THIS(wText); increments 'position'
       (# ... #);
       (* Replaces the character at position 'i' *)
       (# ch: @wchar;
          i: @integer;
          iput: @...
       enter (ch,i)
       do iput
       exit THIS(wText)[]
       (# ... #);
       (* Appends a wText to THIS(wText); does not change 'position'
       (# T1: ^wText
       enter T1[]
       exit THIS(wText)[]
       (* Inserts the wText in 'T1' in front of THIS(wText); updates
        * current position to 'position+T1.length' if 'position>0'
       (# T1: ^wText
       enter T1[]
       exit THIS(wText)[]
       (* Inserts a wText before the character at position 'inx'.
        * Note: inx<1 means inx=1; inx>length means inx=length+1.
        * If 'position>=inx' then 'position+T1.length->position'.
       (# T1: ^wText;
          inx: @integer
       enter (T1[],inx)
       exit THIS(wText)[]
       (* Deletes THIS(wText)[i: j]; updates current position:
        *      i<=position<j => i-1->position
        *      j<=position   => position-(j-i+1)->position
       (# i,j: @integer; 
          deleteT: @...
       enter (i,j)
       do deleteT
       exit THIS(wText)[]
     makeLC: (* Converts all characters to lower case *)
       (# ...
       exit THIS(wText)[]
       (* Converts all characters to upper case *)
       (# ...
       exit THIS(wText)[]
       (* Returns a copy of THIS(wText)[i:j].  If 'i<1', 'i' is
        * adjusted to 1. If 'j>length', 'j' is adjusted to
        * 'length'.  If (after adjustment) 'i>j', an empty wText is
        * returned.
       (# i,j: @integer; T1: ^wText;
          subI: @...
       enter (i,j)
       do subI
       exit T1[]
       (# T1: ^wText;
          copyI: @...
       do copyI
       exit T1[]
       (* Scans all the elements in THIS(wText).  For 'ch' in '[1:
        * THIS(wText).length]' do INNER
       (# ch: @wchar
       do (for i: lgth repeat T[i]->ch; INNER scanAll for)
       exit THIS(wText)[]
       (* find all occurrences of the character 'ch' in
        * THIS(wText), executing INNER for each occurrence found,
        * beginning at 'THIS(wText).position'.  'inx' will contain
        * the position of each 'ch' in THIS(wText).  If 'NCS' is
        * further bound to 'trueObject', the comparison will be
        * done Non Case Sensitive.  If 'from' is further bound, the
        * search will begin at position 'from'.
       (# ch: @wchar;
          inx: @integer;
          NCS:< booleanObject;
          from:< integerObject(# do pos->value; INNER from #)
       enter ch
       exit THIS(wText)[]
     findAll: find
       (* As 'find', except that the entire wText will be searched.
        * Replaces 'findCh' in previous versions of betaenv (v1.4
        * and earlier)
       (# from:: (# do 0->value #)
       do INNER findAll
       (* find all occurrences of the 'txt' in THIS(wText),
        * executing INNER for each occurrence found, beginning at
        * 'THIS(wText).position'.  'inx' will contain the position
        * of the first character of each occurrence found
        * THIS(wText).  If 'NCS' is further bound to 'trueObject',
        * the comparison will be done Non Case Sensitive.  If
        * 'from' is further bound, the search will begin at
        * position 'from'.
       (# txt: ^wText;
          inx: @integer;
          NCS:< booleanObject;
          from:< integerObject(# do pos->value; INNER from #)
       enter txt[]
       exit THIS(wText)[]
     findwTextAll: findwText
       (* As 'findwText', except that the entire wText will be
        * searched
       (# from:: (# do 0->value #)
       do INNER findwTextAll
       (* Extend THIS(wText) with 'L' (undefined) chars. Notice
        * that it is only the representation of the THIS(wText),
        * that is extended, the 'length' and 'position' are not
        * changed.
       (# L: @integer
       enter L do L->T.extend
       exit THIS(wText)[]
     indexError:< wStreamException
       (* Raised from 'Check' when the index goes outside the
        * range of the wText. Message: "Index error in wText!".
       (# inx: @integer 
       enter inx
       (* Raised from 'get' and 'peek' when the end of the wStream is
        * passed.
       (# ... #);
       (* Raised when an error other than the Index-/EOSerror
        * occurs.
       (# ... #);
       (# ... #);
       (# do pos->value; INNER getPos #);
     (* Private attributes: !!OBS!! The 3 attributes 'T', 'lgth'
      * and 'pos' declared below MUST be the first data items
      * declared in 'wStream' and 'wText' since their addresses are
      * hardcoded into the compiler.
     T: [16] @wchar;
     lgth,pos: (* 16 is default size *) @integer;
     setT: (# enter T do T.range->lgth->pos #);
       (# t: ^ text
       enter T[]
       do T.scanAll(#do ch -> put #)
       (# T: @text
       do scanAll(#do ch -> T.put #)
       exit T[]
  enter setT
  exit T[1: lgth]
  #) (* Pattern wText *); 

  (# T1: ^text; T2: @wText
  enter T1[]
  do T1.scanAll(#do ch -> T2.put #);  
  exit T2[]
  (# UT: @wText
  do scanAll(#do ch -> UT.put #)
  exit UT[]

13.22 Wtext Interface
© 1990-2002 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Tuesday February 24th 1998 at 11:05]