13.1 Basicsystemenv Interface

ORIGIN 'betaenv';
LIB_DEF 'basicsystemenv' '../lib';
BODY 'private/basicsystemenvbody'
 *       Copyright Mjolner Informatics, 1992-96 
 *       All rights reserved.
 * This fragment contains abstract superpatterns for describing the
 * BETA concepts of concurrent systems.
 * The basic ideas are
 *      A. Components (coroutines) can be executed concurrently
 *      B. A primitive semaphore pattern is available for
 *         syncronization.
 *      C. An abstract pattern 'Monitor' similar to the monitor
 *         proposed by Hoare and Brinch-Hansen
 *      D. An abstract pattern 'System' is defined. System defines
 *         communication between systems by means of synchronized
 *         rendezvous.  A concurreny imperative 'conc' is defined for
 *         systems.
 * The abstractions defined here are identical to the ones described
 * in chapter 12 of the BETA book except for the following points:
 * 1. The syntax of 'fork' is
 *      S[]->fork
 *    and NOT S.fork
 * 2. The syntax of 'conc' is
 *      conc(# do S1[]->start; S2[]->start; S3[]->start #)
 *    and NOT conc(# do S1.start; S2.start; S3.start #)
 * 4. THE CONCURRENCY IS SIMULATED In order to implement real
 *    concurreny, an interrupt mechanism must be implemented. This is
 *    currently NOT done. A component/system will thus keep the
 *    control until it makes an explicit or implicit SUSPEND.  An
 *    implicit SUSPEND is made when a component must wait for a
 *    semaphore, executes the pause pattern, executes the sleep
 *    pattern, or performs a blocking communication using the shellEnv
 *    distribution abstractions.  As the concurrency is simulated,
 *    there is no difference between the implementation of the alt and
 *    conc imperatives.
 * 5. A program using concurrency must have the form:
 *      systemenv(# ... do ... #)
 * 6. Concurrency and X-Windows/macenv/guienv
 *    User interface environments are usually event-driven in the
 *    sense that actions in the program are executed as a response to
 *    user input events.  To handle this, a number of separate
 *    implementations of SystemEnv exists for different user interface
 *    libraries:
 *    Use systemenv.bet as origin for programs not using event-driven
 *    user-interface libraries.
 *    Use ~beta/Xt/current/xsystemenv.bet as origin for programs using
 *    XtEnv, AwEnv or MotifEnv.
 *    Use ~beta/guienv/current/guienvsystemenv.bet as origin for
 *    programs using GUIenv (Lidskvjalv).
 *    See xsystemenv and guienvsystemenv for a description of using
 *    systemenv in conjunction with X and GUIenv programs,
 *    respectively.
 *    See ~beta/macenv/current/macsystemenv for a description of using
 *    systemenv and macenv.
 * For examples of using SystemEnv see the demo directory.
  (* Returns the unique systemEnv instance running *)
  (# systemEnvType:< systemEnv;
     theSystemEnv: ^systemEnvType;
  do(* SystemEnv## -> objectPool.strucGet 
     (# init::< (# 
          do (failure, 
             'Program:descriptor must be a subpattern of systemEnv')
               -> stop
     #)#) -> theSystemEnv[]; *)
     (# type::systemEnvType;
          do (failure,'Illegal use of systemenv. You may have precisely one systemenv instance!')
  exit theSystemEnv[]
SystemEnv: SysHead
  (# <<SLOT systemlib:attributes >>;
       (* P and V are the usual semaphore operations.
        * tryP returns true if the P operation succeded. Returns false
        * if a P would block the caller. In that case the P operation
        * is not performed.
        * Count returns the number of components waiting for the
        *         semaphore.
       (# P: @...;
          V: @...;
          tryP: @BooleanValue
            (# ... #);
          Count: @
            (# value: @Integer;
            exit value
          semRep: @...
     fork: @
       (* S is put into the queue of scheduled systems. The calling
        * system keeps control, i.e. is not preempted.
       (# first:  @...;
          second: @...;
          S: ^|SysHead 
       enter S[] 
       do first; second; none -> s[];
     kill: @
       (* Kills S. If S is the active system, this is equivalent to a
        * direct suspend.
       (# S: ^|SysHead; doKill: @...
       enter S[] 
       do doKill
     pause: @
       (* Moves the calling system to the end of the queue of
        * scheduled systems.
     sleep: @
       (* Makes the calling system sleep at least time seconds.  If
        * time is 0 or negative, sleep has no effect.
       (# time: @Real
       enter time 
       (* Makes the calling system sleep until at least time.  If
        * time is less than the current time, sleepUntil has no effect.
       (# time: @Real
       enter time 
       (# value: @Real;
       exit value
       (# (* idx+ *)
            (# q: @Semaphore;
               Wait: ...;
               Signal: ...;
            (# cond: @boolean 
            do INNER;
               (if not cond then 
                   return; (* exit monitor *)
                   mutex.P; (* reentry of monitor *)
                   restart Wait
          Entry: (# do mutex.P; INNER; return #);
          init:< (# do INNER; mutex.V; #);
          (* private:
           * mutex controls entry to the Monitor.  urgent delays a
           * signalling process.
           * return is executed by processes leaving the monitor.
           * Reactivates possible processes waiting for entry: delayed
           * signalling processes (urgent) have first priority
          mutex: @semaphore;
          urgent: @semaphore; 
          return: @...;
     System: SysHead
       (# Port:
            (# mx,m: @Semaphore;
               entry: (# do m.P; INNER; mx.V #);
               accept: (# do m.V; mx.P #)
            (# mx, am: @Semaphore;
               delayed: @...;
                 (# ... #);
                 (# OK: @Boolean; s: ^|sysHead enter s[] do INNER exit OK #);
                 (# ... #);
          ObjectPort: RestrictedPort
            (# accept::< (# enter sender[] do none->sender[] #);
               acceptable::< (# ... #);
               entry: RestrictedEntry (# do INNER #);
               sender: ^|sysHead
          QualifiedPort: RestrictedPort
            (# accept::< (# enter sender## do none->sender## #);
               acceptable::< (# ... #);
               entry: RestrictedEntry(# do INNER #);
               sender: ##sysHead
            (# start:
                 (# s: ^|system
                 enter s[]
               concPriv: @...
            do INNER; ...; 
          alt: conc (# do INNER #);
            (* Called before this system terminates. *)
            do (if caller[]<>NONE then (* not the outermost system *)
                   caller.dec; NONE -> caller[]
          caller: ^protectedInt;
       do INNER;
     deadLocked:< Exception
       (* This exception is called when all coroutines are blocked
        * and none are waiting for I/O.
       do INNER;
          (if not continue then
              'BasicSystemEnv: All coroutines blocked on semaphores.'
                -> msg.append;
       (# start:
            (# s: ^|system
            enter s[]
          concPriv: @...
       do INNER; ...; 
       (* Same as conc as a consequence of non-preemtive scheduling.
       conc (# #);
      * These attributes are only used when combining SystemEnv with
      * an event-driven windowing environment. This demands an
      * alternative implementation than the standard SystemEnv
      * implementation. See the file: xsystemenv.bet
     windowEnvType:< Object;
     theWindowEnv: ^windowEnvType;
     setWindowEnv:< Object;
     (* PRIVATE
      * Everything below is in principle private implementation stuff.
     private: @ ...;
     BasicScheduler: ...; 
     theActive: ^|sysHead;
     ProtectedInt: IntegerObject
       (* Used in implementation of conc. *)
       (# mutex: @semaphore;
          atZero: @semaphore;
            do mutex.P; (if (value-1->value)=0 then atZero.V if); mutex.V;
          waitForZero: (# do atZero.P #);
          init: (# enter value do mutex.V #);
       (* Called before the scheduler is activated and before
        * setWindowEnv and the systemenv INNER is called.
  do ...;

  (# s: ^|SysHead;
     next, prev: ^cyclicElm;
     due: @Real
       (* due is used by sleepingQueue. If zero, this element is
        * currently not in a sleepingQueue.
  (# onDelete:< Object;
     onDel: @onDelete;
     onInsert:< Object;
     onIns: @onInsert;
     first, freeList: ^cyclicElm;
     insert: @
       (# s: ^|sysHead; new: ^cyclicElm;
       enter s[]
       exit new[]
     append: @
       (# elm: ^cyclicElm;
       enter elm[]
     prepend: @
       (# elm: ^cyclicElm;
       enter elm[] 
     insertBefore: @
       (# new, old: ^cyclicElm;
       enter (new[],old[])
     getFirst: @
       (# elm: ^cyclicElm;
       exit elm[]
     delete: @
       (# elm: ^cyclicElm;
       enter elm[]
       exit elm[]
     remove: @ 
       (* elm should not be reused after remove. Use delete instead.
       (# elm: ^cyclicElm; s: ^|sysHead;
       enter elm[]
       exit s[]
       (# current: ^cyclicElm;
     size: @Integer;
  (# shstatus: @Integer; 
     lc: ^Object;     (* Last errorCatcher for distribution errors. *)
     ce: ^cyclicElm;  (* ce,q <> none => this(sysHead) is ce in q.  *)
     q: ^cyclicQueue;
  do INNER
(* SysHead.shstatus values: *)
SE_RUNNING:  (# exit 1 #);  (* Current system.       *)
SE_WAITING:  (# exit 2 #);  (* Blocked on semaphore. *)
SE_READY:    (# exit 3 #);  (* Ready to run.         *)
SE_SLEEPING: (# exit 4 #);  (* Sleeping.             *)
SE_KILLED:   (# exit 5 #)

13.1 Basicsystemenv Interface
© 1990-2002 Mjølner Informatics
[Modified: Sunday August 9th 1998 at 22:25]